“The defense is building up a”

“Soon have the armed Forces a full-scale departments training facilities for cyber warfare. A so-called cyber-range will be completed within a year, reports the SVT News.”

“– A digital battlefield, much like practicing on a firing range with live ammunition, ” says cyberförsvarschefen Patrik Ahlgren to SVT.”

“A cyber-range consists in simple terms of a single where one can mimic it systems to attack or defend itself.”

“– It is an obvious element in modern warfare. The who does not have this capability, have a clear disadvantage in a possible war, “says Patrik Ahlgren, colonel and head of the Defence forces’ section for cyberförsvar, to SVT.”

“He is responsible for the development of an offensive cyberförmåga, as to be able to enter and manipulate or cripple parts of other countries’ it systems. Was hall will be built up he does not want to say.”

“Sophisticated attacks”

” I can’t comment on the methods, assumptions, and the scenarios that we’re looking at.”

“the State of cyber attacks against the Swedish system is increasing and becoming increasingly sophisticated, wrote the Swedish national Defence radio establishment (FRA), in its annual report for the year 2018. According to FRA, there are concrete examples of a foreign power, probably managed to steal the information.”

” We can’t go into specific examples, but we have several ways to see it, including through our early warning system TDV that we installed at important public functions, said Fredrik Wallin, spokesman of the FRA, to the TT earlier in the year.”

“Even the military intelligence and security service Must have warned against large-scale cyber-attacks, against, among others, the Swedish power grid.”

“– You can make very much damage on the cyberarenan. It is still quite new for us and our vulnerabilities are still very big there, ” said must’s chief Gunnar Karlson to the TT at the beginning of the year.”