“The directive threaten a democratic internet”

“the Replica from the Pirate party on the EU and the copyright directive”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“REPLICA. You call upphovsrättsdirektivets requirements censurfilter for a compromise. One am amazed at this blindness for its history. “

“When the commission of 2014 took in the views on copyright heard tens of thousands of individuals and their opinions were clear: they wanted a more flexible copyright that allows them to participate in the cultural conversation online. Nobody asked about filters. “

“All of this was thrown out of the EUROPEAN commission when it presented its legislative proposals in 2016, and it has not gotten better since then. In many ways it has become worse.”

“on Top of this, the commission has called the opponents to the directive of a misguided mob, and the lobbyists who campaigned for article 13 has called us opponents for spambottar and zombies. So not how you treat a party trying to compromise with. The largest collection of signatures in modern european politics is a consequence of this behavior.”

“You are expressing a concern that the directive may be bortröstat in the lump. We share the concern that, for example, articles 14-16, which strengthens the creators rights vis-à-vis intermediaries may disappear.”

“But if you know such a concern – why pushed you so hard for censurfilter? You must have known how unpopular a proposal censurfilter would be, after seeing the protests against the other draconian copyright laws like SOPA and ACTA.”

“The sound had been doing that we pirates did in the EUROPEAN parliament – to propose a compromise that can actually get support in the parliament. To the copyright lobby chose different is their own fault.”

“the Directive means that both individuals and the platforms they use to upload material in the future will be guilty of copyright infringement. It means a constraint for the platforms to be able to negotiate licenses for the material that users upload, or filter it away.”

“It is a directive that, according to the UN, researchers, and Reporters without borders threatens freedom of expression and the opportunity to participate in the digital society. Startups within the digital sectors are threatened by the requirement for expensive filter that only a few companies can offer. “

“the Directive threatens, in short a democratic and plural internet. This is why we do resistance against it.”

“nMattias Bjärnemalm, expert in nätpolitik in the european Parliament and top candidate for the Pirate party in the EU elections”

“n Join in the debate and comment on the artikelnn – like Aftonbladet Debate on Facebook.”

“the Article is a slutreplik. Read the full the debate here – ”