“The early retirement pension must be reinstated”

“Worn-out people should not be condemned to poverty”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“ten years ago, a governmental investigation that Sweden is an industrialised country in the west where it is most difficult to get early retirement. Today it is known as sickness benefit and is the money you get from the joint if, due to illness or disability not able to work anymore.”

“After kravskärpningar launched by the government Reinfeldt being denied to sickness benefit if you can take any kind of work, whether the work is in reality. It is even tougher rules than what applies for sickness benefit. In addition, the social Insurance agency do not take into account the age when they make decisions.”

“yesterday, could the Echo of the Swedish radio tell you that only 5 500 people who received sickness benefit in the last year. In 2007, before the rules changed, was granted to 41 000 in compensation. Almost one in every seven who sought early retirement in the last year was rejected, and it is not because the swedes have become so much healthier.”

“According to a report from the national audit office that came in last year so deteriorate the health of people who are rejected.”

“For those who actually receive compensation is the existence of life, nor any bed of roses. The law says that sjukersättningen to replace up to 64.7 per cent of the lost income, but the most you can get 18 803 crowns before tax per month.”

“Because the enumeration of the compensation does not follow the development of wages is an income-related sickness compensation during the 39 percent of the social average wage. And on the basis of office for budget responsibility (so pay a sjukpensionär – just like all the others who receive compensation of social insurance – a lot more in taxes than a wage earner.”

“Now, open the social insurance Annika Strandhäll (S) to ease the rules so that more people can get the sickness benefit.”

“the People who become worn out after working hard, must be able to get a replacement as it is possible to live on before they retire for real. To throw them out of poverty is just indecent”