“The election was a disaster for the traditional right”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“The Spanish left, the governor denies the worn-out thesis that the european under socialism, the decay is controlled.”

“the Left can win when it dares to be radical, when it gives up the smoothing and devastating attempts to ally themselves with the conservatives and the liberals.”

“Socialistledaren Pedro Sanchez freed his party from the corrupt traditions and undertook major economic redeployment: around 20% increase in the minimum wage. He could also converse with the självständighetspartier in the Basque country and Catalonia in opposition, with a nationalist, klerikal right.”

“Sanchez, in which the Portuguese socialists, select the collaboration to the left, with Podemos. The party did, in spite of internal disagreements, an approved choice. Podemos represents a kind of libertarian left, anchored in civil society and operating in socially disadvantaged areas.”

“the Left-wing parties have a number of good reasons to interact with, primarily, the Catalan ERC, which historically represents the republikanismens traditions. Finally, the outdated and centralist konstitutionennskrivas.”

“For the traditional right was the election a disaster and decay were compensated not by the fascist Vox right moderate success. Neither of the högerliberala Ciudadanos meek mandatvinster.”

“Outplay the vast losses can be instructive. Parties adapted themselves to the explicitly reactionary, partly racist, misogynistic and backward-looking nationalism that the extreme right-wing Vox campaigned. It favoured barannyfascisterna.”

“In the best case, enter the Spanish election result, the direction of the EUROPEAN elections, carried out about a month.”