“The EU gives us the chance to like the internet again”

“Nätjättarna should pay for the content,”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“the Internet is not fun anymore. The sites that would help us keep in touch with old friends, make today the democratic elections to the adventure.”

“During the presidential elections in the united states in 2016, where we get acquainted with fake news for the first time. Because internetjättarna make money when content is engaging and shared, may, shocking and controversial material priority of the algorithms.”

“This was used before the british referendum on Brexit in 2016. The campaign to leave the EUROPEAN union used Facebook to collect private data about voters and to target advertisements against them. False election promises and populist hårdvinklingar got proper momentum.”

“Facebook contributed to the genocide”

“And so the genocide in Burma. In the autumn of 2017 escalated violence against rohingyer. In retrospect, the united nations has accused Facebook of having contributed to the genocide, because the promoting of violence spread freely through the platform.”

“so Far, political reactions come after the damage has already been done. Facebook’s CEO had to ask the us senate to apologise and fined a few million. Brexitkampanjen also received fines. The UN spoke out about the genocide.”

“the EU copyright directive is the first proactive is being done to curb internetjättarna. It is also the first measure, which, according to critics, threatens the big platforms.”

“the Idea behind the new legislation is that those who create content on the web – journalists, artists, photographers, musicians, actors – would have the right to a share of the profits, sites such as Google and Facebook do when the content is disseminated. Major platforms such as Youtube will need to analyze the set up and take down the copyrighted material disseminated without permission.”

“Nätjättarna should pay”

“If these new rules lead to censurfilter is determined by the nätjättarnas the willingness to pay for the material that is spread on their sites. The platforms may sign agreements with content creators, just as magazines do today. Given that the content is what makes the platforms, and eventually contribute to ad revenue, it shouldn’t be an unreasonable requirement.”

“the european Parliament voted through the new copyright directive a couple of weeks ago. Now, it must be approved by the governments of the member states. It seems that the EU-committee in the Swedish parliament in the day going to force the Swedish government to vote no. It is not likely to make any difference. Countries do not need to agree for the directive to become law.”

“is the new copyright review, we notice in the best case, not much of a difference. Artists get better and lokaljournalistiken survive even for a day. In the worst cases, refuse to jätteplattformarna sign decent contracts and begins to censor users. It would not be a disaster either.”

“Then we create a new, better internet.”