The London Gatwick airport is open after a 32-hour-long drone of chaos. A limited number of aircraft could take off and land, write the operators on your Website. However, passengers should check the Status of your flight before they made their way to the airport, it was called. It will continue to come to delays or cancellations of flights.

Easyjet wrote on his website, to want to fly. The Irish low-cost airline Ryanair had announced shortly before that, all originally for Gatwick scheduled flights instead from London’s Stansted airport to start or land there. The customer had been informed, said Ryanair on its website.

The drone-noise action is therefore likely to affect operations on Friday. Despite the use of the army and the police were seen on Thursday evening, flying robots on the runway.

Since Wednesday evening were in Gatwick, apart from a three-quarter-hour interruption – no planes landing or take-off. Incoming machines had to be diverted and in part hundreds of kilometres away, and Airports such as Amsterdam and Paris.

“This is a precisely-planned activity that was designed, the airport paralyze and bring maximum disabilities in the run-up to Christmas,” said Gatwick CEO Stewart Wingate. On Thursday 115’000 passengers were affected, for the Friday, further to 126 000 persons in Gatwick. In order to defuse the chaotic situation, should bans on Night flights to other airports will be temporarily repealed.

Planned disruptive actions?

The disruption on Gatwick could protect forces, in spite of a large police operation, with helicopters and sharp, as well as a special army unit to bind first. In the first 24 hours after the cessation of the operation, the police counted more drones than 50 sightings. Dive a drone over the airfield, there’s also a launch is conceivable, said the police. Transport Minister Chris Grayling has assured, it will be operated in a “huge effort” to stop the disruptive actions.

the Prime Minister Theresa May has promised a close cooperation of the authorities with the airport. “The activity that we have seen, is illegal, and those caught in the process, to bring the aircraft in danger, can get a prison sentence of up to five years,” said May.

In the case of the at least two drones, it is not according to the police in order to Hobby aircraft. They are rather intended for professional use. Evidence of a terrorist Background, it was not according to the authorities, but first of all. In the first 24 hours after the cessation of the operation, the police counted more drones than 50 sightings. According to media reports, investigators are checking if there is a more radical Eco-activists behind the interference. (ij/sep/sda)

Created: 21.12.2018, 06:37 PM