DebattÅSIKTFokus may not just lie on the rikasteMP:mouthpiece: Crucial for the us in negotiations is a good policy on climate change and humanity This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not the newspaper Aftonbladet.DEBATE

DEBATE. In the summer we had in Sweden a foretaste of the effects of climate change. Forests burned uncontrolled. Drought hit large parts of the agricultural harvests. Farmers were forced to nödslakta cattle. Wells dried up and homes for the elderly, schools and hospitals became unbearably hot.

This was the summer when the climate went from being a future issue to be a nutidsfråga. The effects showed themselves in the here and now. Not in a research report on the future but literally in the air and around the corner.

the Lump in the stomach from the summer are still left with the vast majority of us. Climate change is today what worries the swedes are the most for the future. More than terrorism and economic decline.

has rightly children and young people started to ask us adults against the wall with uncomfortable questions. Children are demonstrating now in country after country. It is their future that is all about. They understand that the summer was a foretaste of the rest of their lives and that they need to request from us the responsibility for their future.

We have the chance to be the brave generation. The one that our children can describe with pride rather than anger. That did not deaf to their concerns, but who dared to do what was required.

We have the chance now, to reverse the disinterest and inertia to action and change.

Right now, there is the united nations twenty-fourth climate summit in Katowice, Poland. The meeting is the most important one since the Parismötet 2015, when world leaders agreed a new climate change agreement. At this meeting, world leaders agree on how the paris agreement will be implemented in practice, which rules shall apply in order to ensure that the objective of keeping warming well below two degrees celsius can be reached.

While the ongoing government negotiations in Sweden. green Party has entered into these negotiations with the knowledge and conviction that we need a klimatregering which continues to go ahead in the international climate change process. With powerful policy continues to take Sweden out of the fossilberoendet and makes it easy for us to live climate-smart.

We know that it is crucial that there are countries that go before and show the way for negotiations to succeed. The Swedish delegation can, in good conscience pack down credibility of the bag when we travel down to Katowice.

In Paris in 2015, Sweden was among the first to take our responsibility for climate finance to poor countries, something that then made that other countries followed suit and created the trust between the poor and the rich countries was needed.

since Then we have conducted a climate at home that made to the world’s environmental movement set us up on the podium when they rank the countries of the world.

in recent years, Sweden has invested heavily in renewable energy, green infrastructure and the industry transformation. We have increased the environmental budget by 110 percent and made it more expensive to emit carbon dioxide. We have taken the first steps towards becoming the world’s first fossil-free välfärdsland. Sweden is a small country, but our voice weighs heavily in Katowice.

Photo: TTVi is prepared to listen to the other parties, take responsibility and make compromises in order to Sweden, where a government, writes Isabella and Gustav Fridolin.

For it to be possible to take us out of the fossilberoendet required a number of political klimatreformer becomes a reality. It is our central inputs in the regeringssamtalen.

Sweden, for example, a broad tax reform, green tax reform, where taxes are raised on environmentally damaging activity and lowered on, for example work.

the Green party’s inputs is about strong action for the climate – to create a safe, secure and climate-friendly infrastructure for the transport of goods and people, a clear message that we are investing in the fast paced modern, high-speed, sustainable residential construction, the preservation of biological diversity, healthy and vibrant seas, and a sound food production and humane animal husbandry – but they are also in an equally high degree of equalizing of today’s growing economic inequalities, and secure long-term prosperity.

the climate challenge is the biggest we as humanity has faced. We will only pass if we face it together. It applies globally, but it also applies here at home. Our leadership in the world is crucial. But are we ready to go before we need to be a country that hangs together.

We are prepared to listen to the other parties, take responsibility and make compromises in order to Sweden, get a government. The green party is not a priority for lower taxes for the richest, but in the position we are, so will the economic policies include also such as are important for the other parties.

It may not mean that there is only a focus on those who already have. We want to focus on those who have it the toughest, on the reduction of segregation, and on all who are living with the minimum financial margins. A new government needs a solidarity policy, cook revorna in the LSS, mota mental ill-health among young people and strengthen medmänskligheten in refugee policy.

In a negotiation with several partners, it becomes a give and take. It is crucial for us is that a new government has a good enough policy for the climate and for humanity. We go into the meeting rooms with the goal that it is where the negotiations should lead, and with the attitude that we are one of several parties to jointly take responsibility for Sweden.

There is a risk that the world are affected by hopelessness facing the climate issues and major challenges. Emissions globally have begun to increase again. At the same time, there are strong forces that are opposing the international climate negotiations.

the united states and Brazil is governed by leaders who both questioned the climate change seriously, and who in various ways are pursuing a policy which goes in the wrong direction. In several european countries have right-wing parties gained political influence, and steered policy in a different direction. The only cure for hopelessness is the clear action which in turn gives the world hope.

Sweden must show the world that a green conversion is possible. The best way to be a vaccine against the forces that now want to give up being a pioneer.

Isabella Lövin
Gustav Fridolin
a Spokesperson for the Miljöpartiet de gröna

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