“The foreign MINISTRY calls Russian representatives”

“the state Department calls up, an official from the Russian embassy in Stockholm by reason of the violation of Swedish airspace that Russian fighter jets, according to the armed Forces was responsible for the 19 January.”

“the Meeting takes place on Monday, announced the foreign MINISTRY’s press office, which do not specify the level at which the meeting is held.”

“the armed Forces reported on Wednesday that a Russian aircraft briefly violated Swedish border outside of Blekinge.”

“the Russian department of defense, in turn, claimed, Thursday, that a Swedish spaningsflyg, with the transponder turned off, would have flown in international airspace over the Baltic sea in the direction of the Russian border, but that it was averted by Russian fighter jets. It was not where and when it would have been.”

” I can only conclude that we have violated someone else’s territory, but we’ve flown in international airspace. There is no reason to express any criticism against Sweden, said defense minister Peter Hultqvist (S) TT on Thursday about the alleged incident.”