It is a crazy day for Noyau, of the day, as the film supplier to investigate his Studio to props. This place is in circle 3, which is similar to a wild mosaic that is being formed, if you go back a step, suddenly to form a harmonious Whole. Be sure to pack all of the illustrations, which serve him as a wall decoration, store the used and goulash-smelling paper plate in the box, as well as the with spots of color dotted drinking glasses, and even crumpled paper can be fished out of the trash can. “Should I pack this?” you will be asked to the drawings. And with each Nod, he understands a little more, which means his commitment for the employees in this cinema production.

“I don’t regret my Pseudonym”

“The Film came to me,” says Noyau a few months later in his kitchen. And tells how Director Jeshua Dreyfus contacted him, as he began the filming of his second album “son of my father” to prepare. The Comedy portrays the conflict within a family in which the father, a psychiatrist, patients are seduced, the mother will not tolerate this, and the son as an act of Rebellion with the Beloved of the father sleeps. Dreyfus has for the history of his own family for inspiration. Which is why the main character – son of Simon – and then also in the art industry should work. So the role of the free ward, the Illustrator can do born. And Noyau, for this name is not fancy, but professional, to the Director of support. “I should first assess whether the ambitions of the main character are realistic,” says Noyau.

While the 55-Year-old on the gas stove with an espresso pot of coffee prepared, he tells of his Childhood in new castle, teaching as a graphic artist and from the internship to the cartoonists for the former news magazine “L’hebdo”. When a former school-mate of his large apartment in the historic center of Zurich is told, he draws to him in the German part of Switzerland. “I regret I have here so far, only my Pseudonym,” says Noyau, in whose passport the Name Yves Nussbaum. Strictly translated, means, the term fruit core, which have fallen to him in spirit: “It is the part of the fruit that is hidden, the stays, not swallowed.” And so, too, his drawings are supposed to be.

“actor Stapfer is a signatory to very Beau and little bit shy.”Noyau, Illustrator

just a Pity that the Swiss-German effort would have to be Pseudonym to pronounce, says Noyau. Also, the concept of a pseudonym you are not so familiar. “I am often asked how I hot it right,” says the artist, whose French mother tongue, one realizes only his fine pronunciation of the R sound.

Noyau meets before the shooting with actor Dimitri Stapfer, who takes on the role of the Illustrator Simon. On Idaplatz sit on a bench. While Noyau observed Passing and sketched, observed Stapfer him. How to play a draftsman with the four-colored ball-point pens? How often he looks to the top? As he puts the head to the shoulder? As he holds the notebook? The two fall Parallels between their Professions: “The actor, the Illustrator, are to be observed closely and sums up the character then reduces the” Noyau. “Dimitri Stapfer makes this physically, I Draw.” A credible Imitation of successful the actor, even if he is the same physically to a sketch artist: “He is actually very Beau and a little shy,” says Noyau, and grins. How are you, this is typical of the signatories? “We are a little autistic,” he says, and describes how it can drag on for hours, with leaves and pencils. “In this drawing, escape, I’m happy, because there are no conflicts because it doesn’t matter if I’m a little withdrawn.” But of course, he understand that such a figure on the screen would be barely 90 minutes bearable.

The Popo smooth hand shaving

Director Dreyfus hopes that the Draw for the movie character Simon is a Identification for the emotions. The subject should be something childlike. It is the idea that the neighbor Simons has a cattle dog by the name of Dada. Noyau thus receives the order to draw Dada in advance in various scenarios. “Dreyfus gave me one of the funniest lists in my life,” he says. “Since then: Dada figgt, Dada masturbated on Persian rug, As the Shit is collected from Strangers, Dada pisses. The implementation was a pleasure,” says the Illustrator, and reveals at the same time, that he has himself drawn in a picture. Every step of his drawing, he noted, so the drawing process is also shown in Fig. “The attention to detail of the Crew fascinated me,” says Noyau, “also, if the images are visible in the finished Film.”

Finally, it serves as a Noyau of the production for those scenes in which we see Simon sketching, even as a hand model. “Fortunately, I still have no age spots, otherwise I would have gone hardly as a 24-Year-old.” A little cosmetics needed but: So Noyaus skin tone differed significantly from that of the actor Dimitri Stapfer and hairy he was. He has a shaved butt smooth, but only up to a few inches above the wrist. “That looked a bit silly,” notes Noyau. And something else showed in a direct comparison of the hands: “Stapfer, belongs to the Smartphone-Generation”, this is a muscle between the index finger and thumb sticking out to the actor more.

Between the brushes, illustrations, and paper: Noyau in his workshop. Photo: Urs Jaudas.

the end result is Noyau satisfied: “When I saw the Film for the first Time, I have not perceived myself.” There was a similar situation to his friends. A colleague pointed out, however, that you believe that a man can draw in the early twenties already like Simon. The Noyau agrees and show a bit reluctantly, his fingers drawings he made directly after the training: “I am ashamed of that today, really.”

The brush, illustrations and paper are now all back in Noyaus Studio. As the outfitters to bring this back, had been labeled all of the materials carefully with the label, he recalls with a smile, “Now I’m waiting on a phone call with another film.” Finally, it should go with the new leg as a hand model.

Noyaus exhibition “Painting of: images from “son of my father”” is currently on in the cinema, Avenue of the cosmos, the Film is still running in the Zurich cinemas. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 08.04.2019, 22:08 PM