“The indictment shows system errors in the LSS”
“New trial against assistansarbetsgivare”
“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”
“yesterday launched a trial against a previously convicted person with personal assistance in Stockholm. 2016 was convicted of the hen in the district court for unpaid and incorrect wages in 25 cases. Then pursued assistance through a company whose sole owner was also the company’s single customer. The prosecution this time is about the same as last time but the victims are new. There are now seven people who accuse the employer for not getting the right salary and they are represented by the LO-TCO legal protection. “
“In connection with the last judicial process pulled the Inspection of health and social care, IVO, in the company’s right to engage in personal assistance. The reason was mainly the several liabilities of the tax collector, unpaid taxes and social security contributions.”
“the Newspaper Kommunalarbetaren have told how the the personal assistants could be fined if, for example, they boiled the tea in the wrong way.”
“After the withdrawal of the state jumped the person during a period between the different assistansföretag but then began to run personal assistance in their own name. To be their own employer is an option according to the LSS.”
“the LSS is a rights law in relation which provides people with funktionsvariationer the right to personal assistance. It is an important frihetsreform which provided the opportunity for thousands of people to live a better life. But in this case, the system has been used in a way that can hardly have been the intention of the legislature. “
“Stop bad employers”
“If a company neglects LSS efforts for the assistansberättigade they can lose the right to pursue the assistance. Then step the municipality in and take over as the employer. The principle should also apply when someone is not capable of the responsibility of the employer.”
“no matter how the case in the Stockholm district court to stop need the politicians to solve this system failure so that no more suffering.”