If people rent a car, then you usually have a goal: the parents in the neighboring town or the most amazing beach of the island, not to be reached with the Bus. Normally. Some Japanese seem to see it differently: Regularly you return the rental car to be without a single one of the miles driven. What is the reason?, thought it over for a car rental company and checked with their customers.

came Out: Some people are just looking for a place to retreat and escape the hustle and bustle on the street or in the workplace for a few minutes. The Orix announced that a financial and insurance company in Osaka that offers already since 2002, car – sharing with moderate success. In 17 years, Orix has won only 230 000 subscribers. Now the company is expanding to the Northern island of Hokkaido to Kyushu, since it can’t hurt to make an original press release headlines.

have Lunch or take a NAP

But also the market leader in Times, 24 and the mobile operator NTT-Docomo, who also operates car-sharing, confirm the Trend. Eight percent of NTT Docomo in Sharing, rented cars, or only very short distances are driven. And the trend is increasing. Some of the respondents got into the car, to eat a quiet Lunch or to take a NAP. A 31-year-old Commercial traveler about well-known, except in a car-sharing car he could take his power NAP at the most in Cybercafés. Others retreat to the comfort of the car seats to make phone calls with friends, family members or business partners.

And if the phone battery is empty? According to the report, the search for a power outlet for many customers, is also a reason to rent a car. Have started in the Wake of the earthquake and Tsunami disaster in 2011, when the public grid was very shaky. After shopping trips, and the rented cars are popular.

No wonder, a half-hour car-sharing costs as the base price stations 400 Yen (3.65 Swiss francs), so much as the smallest lockers at the train. Because it is cheaper, more large purchases for a few hours in a rental car at the train station store. If these are for a locker to be bulky.

Boy driving a car

Generally, sales of new cars not in Japan, especially young people find the car to cool. In the cities there are hardly any Parking, and Parking on public streets is prohibited. Anyone who wants to register a vehicle must provide proof of private Parking. Add to this that Japanese have a special relationship to Share. For example, the idea to permanently live in a residential community, is to many an abomination. And so you don’t give your car. This could also explain why some Japanese people prefer to sleep in the car, thinking, or working, to be around.

And what is the car rental estranged lender of the purpose? Orix encourages his customers to leave the engine of a stationary car does not run – as it is in Japan for heating or air conditioning is common. “For the car it is at its best when it departs,” says the company. For the car-sharing provider, by the way, also; as, a subsidy business for you to rent most you can earn, especially on kilometers driven.

Created: 10.07.2019, 17:24 PM