shock The results of the new Pisa study, Switzerland is located in reading on the 27th – below average and well below neighboring Germany. Why?
I would like to say in advance that I think the Pisa Tests is a relevant Instrument to hold. Nevertheless, you must not overload the results with conclusions. Remember: The Swiss are average values, the cantons are very different on the road. In addition, it also came in other countries, worse results; however, in all of them. Perhaps the tasks of 2018, were more difficult. Anyway, the Test was based, for the first time only computer, which was probably some of the students problems.
So the Test was to blame?
So easy it’s safe. At the time of Reading and text comprehension skills about a closer look shows that The drop in performance was held in the case of very weak students. The strong youths reached the same values as before. But the group of those who are not able to easy links between the various text parts, grew to 24 percent. This is a cause for concern and may be related to the class of compositions in context.
to what Extent?
There are more students in need of additional support and earlier, not in regular classes were taught. Here the teachers are very much in demand. Also, foreign children are often in need of more help.
“Other countries are investing more in early intervention, and it pays off.”Heinz Rhyn
So roll backwards to the integration principle, because it is not cope in school life?
no way! We see: the strong students there is no drop in performance. And the weaker do not benefit overall from the Integration, because they feel excluded. What would be on the other hand, especially in the case of literacy, essential: to promote significantly earlier, particularly the foreign-speaking children. Other countries invest more in early intervention, and it pays off. For the reading masses is proven that the influence of The school is relatively low. The family, the nursery, the daily social contacts shape the development of language skills much stronger. In mathematics it is different.
the school Bears no responsibility?
But! You can and must motivate the students, provide incentives to read awaken the desire. And you also endeavours of the creation of reading corners invite regular school library visits and the annual “reading” to the use of computer applications.
The Reading of “Le bruit des pages” in November at a primary school in Nyon: Such campaigns need to be PH-rector of the Rhyn. Photo: Laurent Gilliéron (Keystone)
to flap, It seems to be so good.
A Problem I see is that in the modern teaching culture the value of Practicing a little forgotten. This is the case not only when to read. New studies prove that Without Practicing it is not as effortless to fall into a Routine, which is for the pleasure of reading is necessary. The sensible rejection of the simple-minded Drills had a disastrous effect. Reading is for less young people a pleasure than it was even five or ten years ago.
the digital media usage is rising among the young every year.
The book has a lot of competition. I was surprised by the statement of the singer Luca Hänni at the end of October. The 25-Year-old said that he had read in the holidays for the very first Time a book, “The three question marks”. In the school it would have mentioned books never.
“It would not be conducive, if teaching is focused on the Tablet focus.Heinz Rhyn
you actually make it through the Swiss public school without a single book read?
In General, certainly not. A concentrated and consistent book reading is necessary to acquire reading skills. At the same time, I would like to depreciate the new media in any case. Media literacy is a Central part of our curriculum. For some educational content, such as, for example, the Pythagorean theorem, may help a Youtube Tutorial sometimes even better than a school book. But it would not be beneficial if the lessons on the Tablet – focused and books – fiction as well as textbooks-also-ran rank.
Why? The time of the book is not expired, the communication is not increasingly the audio-visual?
Then you would have been shifted into the Nothing! Seriously, language is the basis of thinking. You can’t think in terms of movies and pictures or share! Wittgenstein’s statement that the limits of your language mean the limits of its own world, has its validity. In the research on learning is also a consensus that without the structured book, without a haptic reading experience or Writing by Hand, learning is a lot of stored less effectively.
singer Luca Hänni las the other day in the holidays for the first Time, a book: “The three question marks”. Photo: Keystone
the school houses Is arrived – where it is common to find computer-based Work, as well as note-heavy classes–? Other cantons have obligatorien stricter school book.
In schools here, there are large differences in well-being. We encourage our students, in practice, both computer-based as well as the physical expenditure of the teaching materials in parallel use. It is important that the schools will be read.
be Charged the tuition in two foreign the German reading competence in languages in the primary school?
on The contrary, the language supports learning! Access to German texts is so masses proved even easier. For the teachers and for children speaking a different language – can be used to represent additional languages, however, is actually a challenge. to do
What remains in concrete terms?
I wish for an Alliance of schools, libraries, public media and parents associations to raise the awareness together for the theme. The careful use of language must be perceived in the education and the education as much. It is of great importance, as we talk to each other. A sense develops also when reading. Children can according to their own interests of books to choose, and we must give them space and time for reading. Reading is a meaningful activity and Fun – that’s what you should know. It allows you to experience new worlds and exciting adventures.
Created: 07.12.2019, 10:09 PM