“The labour party who ignore the workers,”
“the Next election may have lost the entire LO”
“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”
“It is not to S congress, to take if you want to have idédebatt. There are idédiskussioner, it happens a lot in the left wing and also in the SSU, but the congress is not supposed to be about politics. It should be a applådshow for a postscript-like syntax that in antifascismens name ignore both the working class and the countryside. “
“With the 1930s, warning triangle enforces sossarna and rodney king during an arrest, a policy that is playing a future 30-odd in the hands. The economic ”reforms” run the risk finally release the moorings to vanlisarna. It is when the state and the policy refuses to take responsibility for the citizens that trust is growing for the right-wing populist solutions. We saw it then, and we see it again.”
“I think Donald Segerbäcks SVT-documentary about Mattias Karlsson will become a reference work. Mattias Karlsson, with greater intellectual ambitions than any of their tomögda colleagues in SD, sitting with his dad on the porch. The camera captures the working-class, everyday objects and understand that the father and the son draws different political conclusions, but together they symbolize the epokskiftet.”
“Only two of the five in the LO collective vote on sossarna. To the next election they may have lost all of them.”
“Forty years with marknadsliberalism in all countries, introduced in the name of freedom, has resulted in the identification of an authoritarian reversal, writes Magnus E Marsdal in the brilliant essay of Freedom mødre (October pr). He notes that Donald Trump was the first republican presidential candidate who did not went to the election on a promise of freedom. “
“He kampanjade on the passenger side ancient core values: the national strength, the leader’s authority and the anti-christian patriotic lydighet. Compare with Reagan. Everything he did, he did in the name of freedom. Privatisation was launched as an anti-authoritarian struggle for freedom, and the left didn’t know how it would respond. “
“the problem of the Left, mean Marsdal, is that it had never taken the battle on the right of the vast resource. The fight between right and left is not about the one and the other are opposed, respectively, for the state. The fight is about who will use the state to what.”
“Of Milton Friedman was the freedom of the individual to the country’s hälsoutgifter go through private insurance companies and not the state. Of the labor movement has freedom been the opposite; that the welfare state managed to provide us. As Swedish is not economically dependent of their spouse, parents or private charity. Our strongest relationship is the one we have to the state, and paradoxically this has made the swede in all investigations will be crowned as the world’s most individualistic creature. “
“When the right throws the individual freedom of the landfill, as old scrap, other carry freedom’s banner through the 2000s, says Magnus E Marsdal. This requires a completely different now than in the weekend imagine that it is an anti-fascist strategy to degrade for the common people. “