“The minister of finance: non-Existent scope”

“Minister of finance Magdalena Andersson (S), pull down on expectations ahead of the first budget from the S, MP, C and L.”

“– the scope for reform is non-existent in this vårändringsbudgeten, ” she says to TT.”

“On 10 april, the minister of finance vårbudgeten based on the agreement between the red-green government, the Centre party and the Liberals. The first time, the government has got to govern the country with the Conservatives and christian democrat budget proposal, as it was voted through in parliament before christmas.”

“According to Magdalena Andersson, M-KD-budget to limit the government’s room for manoeuvre in the years to come.”

” We have been accustomed to, there is scope for reform when we come to the budget process, but this took the scope for reforms in the claim. In addition, the major reform 20 billion in tax cuts that are not possible to reverse, she says with reference to, inter alia, the earned income tax credit, and the height of the inflection point to pay the state tax.”

“– Scope is nothing we can talk about in this product. Then, of course we will work to find funding for the reforms.”

“According to the TT, it will bets at around 4.5 billion in vårbudgeten. About half goes to the environment and the climate.”

“Magdalena Andersson would not comment on any figures, but points out that the M and KD pulled down sharply on his environment – and klimatbudget.”

“– It was an infinitely outdated policies, they listened to nothing at Greta and all the children around the world who skolstrejkar for the climate. Of course we want to do more on the climate after the slaughter, ” she says.”

“the MP’s spokesperson Isabella Lövin has said that it will climate – and environmental investments of around two billion in the spring. About the same amount as M, and KD, stripped to the environment and klimatbudgeten with.”

“The biggest cuts were made on the Klimatklivet used, for example, local investment in transportation, charging stations, and district heating. Appropriations for the protection of valuable nature was also down sharply. It affects, among other things, national parks and hiking trails, but also compensation to the landowners.”

“Centerledaren Annie Lööf want to pull back the M-KD-the decision to raise vat on the nature guides, a measure that is considered important to support development in the rural areas. Other measures in the vårbudgeten, which has strong C-touch, tax cuts for small businesses and lowered the employer’s contribution for young people under the age of 18 years. S, MP, C and L also want to retain the so-called växastödet for companies hiring their first employees, but the support is modified and get more money.”

“On 1 april, lost the right to deduct fackföreningsavgiften in the declaration. However, it will not be changed in the vårändringsbudgeten, ” says a source to the TT. It would cost a lot of money to restore it, and when the amending budget is added, it is already discontinued.”