“The money must be sufficient for the assistants also,”
“Parties: We require the enumeration of assistansersättningen for pay increases”
“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”
“the DEBATE. Personal assistance has come to be one of the most appreciated efforts in the LSS. Thousands of people receive daily support of the assistants to be able to perform basic needs. “
“Above all, personal assistants, and crucial to persons with disabilities should be involved in the life of the community on the same terms as all other. “
“at the same time has the assistance been disputed and criticised because of the high costs to society.”
“Many of the users who are rejected by the social Insurance for workers seeking instead to his municipality. The municipalities do many times a different assessment than the health Insurance and to approve the assistance, but must then bear the cost. “
“the Municipalities compensate the private providers for sick leave costs when their personal assistant is off sick.”
“During the negotiations is the negotiating union Municipal with Vårdföretagarna, the employers’ association KFO, the Swedish association of local authorities and regions (SALAR) and Sobona – Municipal corporate employers, about what the collective agreement for personal assistants should contain.”
“the starting position for the negotiations is getting harder every year. For several years the government’s list of assistansersättningen been lower than the wage increases agreed. “
“Assistansanordnarna see that the margins are shrinking all the more. Due to the current economic situation considering the some providers to leave the agreements. “
“It is a worrying situation, because all the municipal activities and the vast majority of private assistansanordnare are now applying collective agreements, which is a safety for the individual employee.”
“We as the social partners want to protect both the reform on personal assistance as the opportunity for both municipalities and other serious actors to operate with collective bargaining agreements. “
“There is already now a shortage of personal assistants and it can be difficult to find suitable persons. To work so close to another person makes great demands on, among other things, integrity and responsiveness. To work as a personal assistant is a responsible and demanding job.”
“in Order to create legitimacy and push for more people looking to the profession, it is necessary that the government see the seriousness of the situation. “
“We want to work with the government to discuss how we can ensure that the law’s intentions are maintained, and we have a safe industry with a long term perspective, for as well employees as the providers of personal assistance.”
“We see that it is necessary to develop a long-term and sustainable compensation model, where the conditions are given for the out. The compensation system must interact with the Swedish labour market model and allow a wage – and villkorsutveckling that follows the rest of the labour market. “
“As partners, we look to the industry’s survival requires an enumeration of the assistansersättningen which annually takes into account both salary increases as the rest of the actual cost increases.”
“nTobias Baudin, chair KommunalnInga-Kari Fryklund, federal director VårdföretagarnanPetter Forests, federal director the employers’ KFOnVesna Jovic, president of the Swedish association of local authorities and regions (SALAR)nPer Nordenstam, president of Sobona”
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