The New literary Magazine has been sold to the owners of its rival Read, confirmed Tuesday its former owner, the press group of Claude Perdriel. In spite of the opposition of its journalists and supporters of the monthly, it was sold to the group EMC2 to Jean-Jacques Augier and Stéphane Chabenat, owners Read. The next edition of the magazine, whose closure is set for mid-June, should already be called Read-The literary Magazine, said source internal.

An action before the justice was launched by the CSE of the New literary magazine, is still in progress. The elected representatives of the staff require a suspension of the transfer, accusing the media group of Perdriel of “force”, and claiming including guarantees especially in terms of jobs.

read also : a New literary magazine : Perdriel landed Glucksmann for anti-macronisme

“on the one hand, the editorial line of the two journals whose merger is proposed, is radically different and hardly compatible, on the other hand, the ins and outs of economic of the project, including employees and freelancers on a full time equivalent, are not exposed in a transparent manner to the representative institutions of the staff”, emphasizes the lawyer of the employees in its conclusions seen by AFP.

The literary Magazine, a monthly founded in 1966, it was renamed The New literary Magazine in 2017. Owned by Claude Perdriel for several years, it sold an average of almost 21,000 copies in France last year, according to the Alliance for the figures of the press and media (CPMA).

Read, monthly, founded in 1975 by Jean-Louis Servan-Schreiber and Bernard Pivot, whose editorial line is more geared towards the general public, has been sold around more than 46,000 copies in average last year.

The editorial team conseilleGlucksmann leaves “The new literary magazine,”Success for Dr. Good ! and The New literary magazine 3 commentairesdsdqqsdqs dsdsqdqsdqsle 10/06/2020 14:14

Here is what wrote the Figaro 3 years ago :
“A magazine health innovative and a review around progressive ideas: Dr. Good!(Mondadori) and The New literary Magazine (Sophia Publications) have attracted the favours of the readers, and make excellent scores of sales since their release, during the second half of 2017.” Great success, indeed :-). The leftists are bringing in mass of the illiterate people in our poor country, the leftists undermined and destroyed the system of education French, to such an extent that we régressons year after year, and now the leftist are complaining that nobody reads their cloth…

Homoçacoincele 10/06/2020 11:55

We may still regret this absorption, but it must take account of the realities…
More widely, it would be interesting to see if sales of magazines have increased since march, knowing that readers no longer had access (and still currently in many cases) the subscriptions of the libraries.

wecallittheendle 10/06/2020 at 11:49 am

Probably the favorite magazines of the family Traoré.

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