“The usual rules do not apply for the Conservatives”

“Kristersson can not do without the Outdoor”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“It is almost as if you feel sorry for the Conservatives group leader mr Tobias Billström.”

“First, he was forced to reluctantly kick the party arbetsmarknadspolitiker Erik Bengtzboe because no one thought on the claim that he lived in a utkyld summer cottage in Sörmland.”

“Now he’s going to explain why we should think that the Conservatives, perhaps the most important politicians, Elisabeth Svantesson, living in another cottage, in the Bergslagen region.nNora is a small beautiful town with a lovely square and the beautiful wooden houses on the slope down towards the Norasjön. A nice place to stay. Unlike Bengtzboes cottage seems the family Svantessons summer house also have a really decent standard.”

“It surely would serve as the permanent residents. It is not at all the issue. The problem is that the family Svantesson, just as the family Bengtzboe, have been written at an address in Stockholm, sweden, where the parliament is located.nElisabeth Svantesson says that the family moved because they would get more time together.”

“the Taxpayer has got the bill.”

“the Problem is that the taxpayers, through parliament, in the last three years paid Elisabeth Svantesson, about 50 000 sek per year because she says that she, unlike the rest of the family staying in the cottage.nSvantesson yourself believe that because she is elected by the voters in the county, it is important that she is written there.”

“It is a good argument, but how does it affect the conservatives in Laxå or Ljusnarsberg that Svantesson is written in Nora is a little difficult to understand. Parent meetings, meetings with the tenants ‘ association and other parts of everyday life are reasonably still in Stockholm.”

“most of us see it again as an unworthy dodging. But as the moderate pressekreteraren Niklas Gillström noted, for members of parliament comes to a different regulatory framework than that of ”

“Billströms job to explain.”

“Now it will be Tobias Billströms job to tell you the way in which Erik Bengtzboes vacation home differs from Elisabeth Svantessons summer home, and why there is a difference between Nyköping and Nora.”

“He is, in short, must explain why the confidence of the Bengtzboe may be exhausted, but trust in Svantesson unbroken. It is not the easiest thing. Despite this, the moderate party leadership to do everything to save to Outdoor. Unlike Bengtzboe she is namely known, successful and one of his party’s get really skilled politician.”

“But Svantesson would Ulf Kristerssons leadership is likely to be even more broken than it already is.”

“Billström will short to defend Svantessons arrangements like a local Baghdad Bob. He will not recognise any similarities at all with the previous business, how many times do Conservatives get the word benefit fraud thrashed in the head.”

“It is as I said almost a bit of a shame about Tobias Billström. “