the MILAN – Exits for Altreconomia “Italy is beautiful on the inside”, a book that tells the story of a Country unexpected, that of the “internal areas”: Luca Martinelli is the narrator of this Italy away from the big city, which is considered marginal (often fragile) but at the same time surprisingly deep and is a carrier of innovation, which finds the strengths and resources but where, apparently, there is only abandonment.
Return entry to the 5,000 Municipalities. This book returns voice and value to the territories where, in more than 5,000 Municipalities, live 12 million people, telling about the forms of resistance (or “restanza”) and return, a phenomenon that involves the Alps and the Apennines. In the internal areas, it produces 2/3 of the value of ecosystem services, the resources that ecosystems produce (oxygen, water, food, etc) for the needs of human society, that according to reliable estimates at the national level worth € 93 billion a year, almost 5% of GDP.
Essential access to essential services. To prevent the abandonment and promote the “return” in the internal areas, it is necessary to ensure that those living in the territories at the margin and in small and very small Communes have access to essential services of citizenship, such as health centers, schools, transport, digital innovation, and other features “community”. Without this process it is impossible to “riabitarli” and, therefore, jump over the the care and protection of the rural heritage and landscape of the “green infrastructure” such as forests, as well as the protection of traditional knowledge.
strategies for the internal areas. Is the mission – for example – of the National Strategy for Inland Areas (SNAI) of the presidency of the Council of ministers and of other initiatives, even private, as the intersectoral plan “AttivAree”, the Cariplo Foundation, or the work of the Associations of the land, of which the book makes account. The experience of the SNAI is dedicated in particular a long interview that involves Fabrizio Barca, in addition to John Carrosio, Daniela Luisi and Filippo Tantillo.
The stories of those who return . Not events of the heroic but often specimens: the choices of ordinary people who want to explore new styles of life and business, transforming the traditions in crafts today, and first of all an agriculture that finds the alliance between man and nature. Stories of riabitanti, resistant, returning, from the Val Borbera, Val Trompia and Val Sabbia, in the Apennines of Rieti to the Irpinia and the Monti Dauni. There is one who rediscovers the ancient vines or ancient grains and traditional, who creates a new “supply chain of the forest” who opens a museum of the territory and who becomes a “hospitable community”.
The reminder of the inequalities in the territory. inequalities, territorial fight, first of all, in applying article 3 of the Constitution. Explains Fabrizio Barca, coordinator of the Forum, inequalities and diversity, and the creator of the National Strategy for Inland Areas: “and it will return the desire for the young and not young people who are showing the desire to stay in these places, you must provide a reason to stay. First of all, reduce their social exclusion: from a quality school, a health dignified, from the cover with the broadband, from a transport the hard fact of the large bus useless in these territories, by the credit […]. And exclusion, and finally, also from the earth, rendered inaccessible to potential young farmers. What do you do then? There is by implementing article 3 of the Constitution, to remove these obstacles, so as to reduce inequalities […] allowing – rather than leave – those who live in these territories posters of their business ideas”.
the contributions to The book. , A dialogue about Italy, with famous contributions: the beautiful foreword by Alessio Maurizi, a journalist of Radio24, an intense conversation with the poet and paesologo Franco Arminio, who said: “Each mayor should feel the vertebra of the back, each internal area becomes the part of a discourse that concerns the whole Country. (…). “Italy is beautiful on the inside. Stories of resilience, innovation, and return in the internal areas”. Luca Martinelli, 144 pages, 13,00 €. With the collaboration of Silvia Passerini and Massimo Acanfora. Cover illustrator Elisa Tolentino.
The author. Luca Martinelli (Pescia, PT, 1980) is a journalist, author and keen observer of the Italian territory. He worked from 2006 to 2017 for the magazine Altreconomia, with which it still collaborates. He writes for la Repubblica, il Manifesto and other newspapers. Care a program dedicated to cohesion policies for the Popular Radio and has collaborated with Radio 24. As an author of books has dealt with use of land, public water and winemakers and natural wine. He has written, among others, “The consequences of cement”, “Save the landscape”, “The game”, “The water is (not) a commodity”, “The Italy of wine in the wine” (Altreconomia). Currently care the portal, “Stories of young entrepreneurs” of the Fondazione Edoardo Garrone. From may 2017 to June 2019, has been part of the working group of the “national Strategy for inner areas”, dealing with the communication. From February 2020 collaborates with OpenCoesione.
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