woman man, in many countries, are an integral part of women from the Public sphere and policy. Misogyny done so historically?
I think misogyny has to force a lot. And it may be tied with real feminist progress.
what do you mean?
When societies are more egalitarian, one should not confuse this with a good message for the previously dominant social groups. The real Aggression and hostility, the women just from these Milieus, is the result of the enormous social development of the last decades.
In the equal rights discourse is often pointed out that feminism is good for all. A strategic error?
I think, Yes. There is an idealism that is based on the generally correct assumption that it would be good for everyone, the Patriarchate should be abolished. But people who have previously benefited from male privilege, of course, have something to lose. By the way, also psychological collateral: If you had yet claim to be superior to women, it can feel very daunting, if not more votes.
Is an assistant Professor of Moral and social philosophy at the American Cornell University: Kate Manne.
you explicitly distinguish between sexism and misogyny.
sexism, is an ideology, the order naturalizes a Patriarchal social and rationalised. She argues that women “naturally” do not be more caring and empathetic than men, even if it’s verifiable. Or that men were intellectually superior. And misogyny, the Executive power of the Patriarchy, the police, so to speak: you will receive the order and ensures that deviation or resistance, is punished through verbal or physical violence due to social Stigma or exclusion.
Are women who are very feminine and demure, because misogyny is protected?
by No means. Misogyny punished in the first place deviant behavior of women. But generally speaking, the Suppress and Reduce, in particular, those seen as sexually available women.
“The Problem is that of mothers and wives, too much is expected of fathers and men is still very little.”
Still time to be the difference: you Might say, sexism, cultural stereotypes, the misogyny has to do with control?
sexism, the theory, misogyny is the practice. Sexism is the idea: women are not in the position to make art. Misogyn is to show no artists in the gallery.
Is linked to misogyny in their eyes, with the conservative, hierarchical Thinking?
Yes, often, their social function is, after all, the traditional gender order. Ideologically it is linked with the so-called “family values”, the attribute of the woman in a very confined space.
The heaviest burden of expectations to bear, at least since Freud, the mothers.
In some ways, the invention of psychotherapy was a through and through misogyne matter. At the same time, emotional and physical care and security are Central moral values that we can expect of our parents. The Problem is that to be expected of mothers and wives a lot of it is – and of fathers and men is still very little. This expectation leads to the fact that women be prevented from developing their talents.
The crux of the misogyny is not hatred of women, but the projection of positive expectations on you?
Yes. In the discrimination research often concentrates on the negative attitudes and enemy images. But this is not a sufficient explanation for the poor treatment of people. Because the reason for many ideal ideas to the wrong Person or with an alleged lack of performance of duty: The woman gives the man no heed, his children wants to get in a Meeting doesn’t hold back. All of this can be the starting point misogyner reactions.
“There is in our society a kind of obligation to allow privileged men sympathy.”
The other side of the coin, the “Himpathy”, i.e. the disproportionate compassion, which is experienced by privileged men.
to let There is in our society a kind of obligation, sympathy, and a large part of our moral attention to privileged men. This is considered to be quite a positive Emotion.
As a woman, you know watch the conferences or by the Football. You can feel the strong feelings felt by the men for each other, and understand: all This attention and appreciation there is for me, whether I’m loud or quiet.
This is the problem: Our society is based on feelings, you can’t redirect easily. And the positive emotions are essential in life for good. It is difficult to criticize someone for the fact that he feels solidarity and togetherness – which is the Basis of our common morality.
The fight against the right to abortion is only getting worse: abortion opponents in Charlotte. Photo: Keystone
you have mentioned that the progressive increase to the end of formal equality misogyny even. Where is the political?
In many countries of the world – in the United States, intensifying the fight against the right to abortion. The urge to restrict the reproductive rights of women, is also a reaction to their freedoms.
you begin your book with an embodiment of the high number of female victims of Strangulation. Why?
This is so malicious how hurtful act. Men are the perpetrators, women are 99 percent the main group of victims, although it is also true children. Often only the “internal injuries in the neck or by oxygen loss, the overlooked, the result is not to be taken” seriously. A Strangulation is against a woman’s ability to breathe and speak. An absolute control plot.
“The only meaningful dealing with misogyny is offensive to deal with it and to name the things.”
you have been recently threatened by the anti-feminist publicist Jordan Peterson with a display, because they had referred to him in an Interview as misogynen thinkers. How is it in the year 2019 to the female freedom of speech?
Yet another case of progress and Backlash at the same time, Female voices are more often heard than a few years ago, especially feminist voices, the Patriarchal structures in question. Therefore, the pulse is stirred again, to get the women to Silence. In this respect, it had to be, already threatening what is Ironic, from someone like Peterson with a baseless lawsuit. This reminds me of people like Steve Bannon, his Ex-wife only physically threatened and then legally brought to not testify against him.
The Democrat, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez became a Symbol for strong women in politics. Photo: Nick Wagner/Austin American-Statesman via AP
Ringing of democratic politicians such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, or Nancy Pelosi the downfall of such men a?
at Least they show that the only sensible dealing with misogyny is offensive to deal with it, to rename things. Just Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is particularly effective to designate the misogynistic and ridiculous Attempts to discredit you. It shows that you can come up with a clear stance, and a precise feel for the opponent very far.
you have experienced since the release of “Down Girl” a lot of hostility. The fight with an open visor in their view is the only true way to equality?
It has been made in recent years in political and feminist activism with a strong slope to the enlightenment myth, the Belief that one can, in principle, with each talk. The results are modest. The better way to be of one’s own moral sensibility, is to take care of those who are more vulnerable, and to be guided by those who are Victims. I’m not ready to people, the misogyny and racism to be overlooked – you can come to me if you are willing to draw certain lines.
this Is not a arg polarizing?
Yes! But polarization is not always bad. Otherwise, we deliver to us a kind of rational terrorism. If we can be any good will and insight, to the debate move infinitely to the right. I would prefer to open, but uncompromising. I’m trying to tell the truth, as I understand it, and to be moral as clear as I can – and to know the limits of my perspective and to not expect that everyone agrees with me.
In your book “Down Girl” (in English appeared on 11. March) examines the philosopher Kate man, how misogynistic mechanisms work. It was awarded the American Prose Award in 2019 for the best Humanities book.
(editing Tamedia)
Created: 30.03.2019, 12:50 PM