“The public debate is allowed to be stupid”

“Elisabeth Åsbrink answer Jonas Aghed”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“a couple of weeks ago I reported the american historian Christopher Browning’s ground-breaking and important book common men in the Today’s News. Now I see that Jonas Aghed åklagarlikt use my words as evidence that I commit to the ideological crime to express the ”underklassförakt”.”

“He must be very lättkränkt in its political identity in order to achieve such an interpretation. The point in my text is the furthest from the nazi ideology what comes to values, class, and political analysis, and with such a man – I, like everyone who answers yes to the initial questions – would be able to become a killer, provided that they live in an authoritarian society where only a thought, an opinion and a verklighetsformulering permitted and if konformismens force is strong enough.”

“It’s a pretty big difference between claiming it and dragging it unbearable incorrect conclusion Aghed do. Where the hell are we coming to when the public debate is allowed to be stupid?”

“Here, we live in a time where regime after regime exercising oppression over the people by limiting their opportunities to speak, sing, meet, think, act, and agitate freely. Also in Sweden there are forces that want to steer away from democracy, not very sexy slowness and compromise, forces that do not stand out with democracy’s ability to provide the space for opposite views (so that they can be addressed), the forces that want to mold society in conformity – and what do Aghed is important to put effort into?”

“Yes, it is to reflect on the power structures that are the basis for a genocide. What a waste of time and tidningsutrymme when the insult undermines the idea.”