“Shrinking moon continues to shake”

“the Moon continues to be hit by the quakes, according to a new analysis of the seismografdata collected during the Apollo expeditions of the 1960s and 1970s.”

“– this means that the moon somehow managed to be tektoniskt active after 4,51 billion years, ” says lead Thomas Watters at the Smithsonian Institution.”

“On the lunar surface, there are chutes that can be hundreds of kilometres long and up to a hundred metres high.”

“The new study, published in the journal Nature Geoscience, suggest that the cliffs with geological dimensions formed quite recently.”

“the Moon wither as its interior cools, shows images from the Nasa spacecraft Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. It has resulted in thousands of förkastningssprickor, like the wrinkles on the celestial body, as parts of the månskorpan pressed up over the surrounding area.”

“this is exciting for it was not clear if the moon had already undergone this period, billions of years ago and now was tektoniskt death, or if it is still active to this day,” says Nicholas Schmerr, co-author of the study.”

“the Data the researchers used comes from the Apollouppdragen 11, 12, 14, 15 and 16, where the seismographs were placed on the surface. These registered 28 shallow quakes with a magnitude of up to 5. Even the meteorite impact can cause tremors, but they provide other seismic signals.”

“According to Watters, one must take skalvrisken in account when planning future expeditions and possible long-term projects on the moon.”