first set
The Miata overcame a rim and bent a light pole.

The book
In the case of Klinger runs it not so well. After some runaway Robbery, he departs with the stolen getaway car, a street lamp. He is able to escape, while the Cops bust his friend. The next night he wants to tap out with a buddy, the bundle of dollars, which has pulled an App developer just out of the ATMs. But then his buddy is dead, the Deprived is half dead in the hospital, and Klinger has only his Smartphone.

Klinger, no first name, is the main character in the novel “world without scruples” of the American Noir master Jim Nisbet. A small crook of the old school in San Francisco, the depend is actually the Hole in the Hawse Bar and a couple of toads to organize, to drink something and to be able to a bed for the night. A typical Noir Protagonist: pretty far down and steady on the way down: “When he was on the Hawse arrived get, was Klinger ready for a Drink, he was ready to forget the last few days, he was ripe for a change of clothing – Klinger was Mature for everything, except for the future. Or in the past. Or, as it turned out, for the present.”

With the Smartphone of the half-dead, he can’t do anything, it is locked. Klinger doesn’t know anyway, he’s never had such a thing. But Marci, a abgefeimte Femme fatale from the Silicon Valley, tracks down the phone. She has pulled the App developer over the table and him this night, driven to the fatal intoxication. Now you need the App-inventions of his Smartphone.

With casual Schalk and biting irony, Jim Nisbet makes the world of old-fashioned small-time crooks and the unscrupulous Manager of the digital New Economy collide. As Marci on your mobile phone to an Information addiction, “wait a minute … I know that there’s an App for that …”, etching Klinger at first: “it’s called a brain.” But he quickly learns. When she announces to him that she had never had an orgasm, he says: “there is certainly a App.” But she knows better: “as phones become more powerful,” she said. “But not as powerful.” In particular, Frotzeln one suspects that the small pub stool will be against the tough Dotcom-villain no Chance. Nisbet impresses not only with its Humor but also with his wonderful prose, the works translated. For example, like this: “The man’s eyes slid over Klinger across as oysters, the slip of a serving dish.” Or something: “A violent year full of Stress dripping from his shoulders like rain off a dog, flowed over the floor of the Bar and disappeared through the cracks in a God knows how deep Karma-the cellar, like rats a sinking ship to leave, he thought, smiling, but as parasites that leave a host, you sucked.”


Jim Nisbet was born in 1947 in the city of Schenectady in the U.S. state of New York, studied literature at the University of North Carolina. He worked in various jobs, including as a carpenter and as a sailor before he settled in San Francisco, where he was in charge until 2016, his own company, Electronics, Furniture, the custom-made consoles, cabinets and Racks, in particular for Video, Audio and Film post-production Equipment, as well as retro-produced futuristic furniture. Since 1980, he has published 14 novels, especially crime novels, and about half a dozen volumes of poetry. “Dark Companion” for 2006 on the Shortlist for the prestigious Hammett Prize. Four novels are published by Pulp Master, Berlin, in German: “Dark Companion” (2009; Original: “Dark Companion”, 2004), “Lethal injection” (2010; “Lethal Injection”, 1987), “The octopus on my head” (2014; “The Octopus on My Head”, 2007) and now “world without scruples” (“Snitch World,” 2013). In addition, he wrote some one-act plays and monologues that were performed, and published articles, Essays and short stories in magazines, Newspapers, and anthologies. Jim Nisbet lived with his wife of around 50 years in San Francisco, where he was an important figure in the underground culture, until the gentrification you in 2017 in the small town of Sausalito on the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge distribution.

Jim Nisbet: “the world without scruples” (Original: “Snitch World,” PM Press, Oakland, CA 2013). The Ango Laina und Angelika Müller. Pulp Master, Berlin 2019. 234 p., 20 Fr.

All other discussions you will find in the Collection “crime of the week”.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 24.04.2019, 11:06 PM