“The swedes better and better elåtervinna”

“the Swedes submitted close to 150 000 tonnes of electronics for recycling in 2018, statistics from the electric circuit. The best people to recycle electronics were the inhabitants of the county of Jämtland.”

“– this means that very many resources have been able to be returned to the cycle and that the hazardous substances have landed on the right place. We are satisfied with the results and hope that Sweden can be an example internationally, ” says El-circuit ceo Martin Seeger to the TT.”

“The vast majority of the year the collected electronics came from municipal recycling centres, other electronics were collected from businesses and other parties.”

“– A very important and contributing part is that we have as good municipal infrastructure. As much as 85 percent of the electronics we receive are thanks to the municipal återvinningscentralerna.”

“the Amount of recycled electronics have overall decreased in recent years, and so even this year. But it is not because the swedes have become less able to recover, think Martin Seeger.”

” on the Contrary, we get into more electronic products than in the past. The biggest reason is that electronics have become easier than in the past, we begin to see, for example, that we get more and more flat panel televisions and fewer thick-screen tvs, ” says Martin Seeger.”

“El-Kretsen is a common service that elektronikproducenterna created to make the recovery process smoother when the producer responsibility was introduced in 2001.”

“El-Kretsen provides a nationwide collection system for weee and batteries. In the system 600 recycling centres, 2 000 collection points for småelektronik and light sources and 10 000 battery boxes.”

“these Statistics provide an overall picture of how much electrical waste, light bulbs and batteries that the swedes left out for recycling in 2018. The total collection of electrical and electronic products and batteries includes 146 228 tonnes. This is equal to about 14 kilograms per person.”

“the Collected amount of electrical products in kg per person”

“the county of Jämtland: 19,33 kg”

“Gotland: 17,78 kg”

“Norrbotten county: 16,92 kg”