“The threat of brexit scares no one”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“The british government took her purse, stood up and left angrily;. The leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbyn demanded on Monday a vote of no confidence against the prime minister, Theresa May. She has just endured, and won, a such within his own conservative party.”

“What Corbyn want to achieve with misstroendeomröstningen is not entirely clear. Had misstroendeomröstningen been directed against the entire government, not just the prime minister, had been legally binding and could lead to a new election. But in the current form, it would most lead to humiliation for the prime minister, and possibly increased pressure to keep parlamentsomröstningen if brexitavtalet earlier than in January.”

“Refusing to vote on brexitavtalet”

“it All boils down to just that – Theresa May managed to, against all odds, get together a brexitavtal with the EU. But in order to be effective, the agreement must pass through the british parliament. When the prime minister realized that the agreement would not survive a vote in parliament is shot, she hastily matter up to the third week in January. At that point it will be ten weeks left to utträdesdatumet 29th of march.”

“By waiting to the eleventh hour want to May get parliament to stressed to choose between her contract and no agreement at all. “

“Can shoot up brexit”

“the Problem is that the threats of”

“Now, the worse the mess most of May and Corbyns lack of självförtroenden. May shooting at the vote that she knows she will lose it, and Corbyn knows that he would lose a vote of no confidence directed against the entire government. No support for anything, quite simply.”

“The best we can hope for is to any change. That May manage to scrape together support for his agreement, Corbyn may, a new election or that the EU agrees to negotiate utträdesvillkoren.”

“Until then, the people wait patiently.”