of Course, has also seen Claire Warden “last Tango in Paris”, and those Film of the recently deceased film Director Bernardo Bertolucci, in which the actress Maria Schneider is a victim of a simulated rape: Because Bertolucci, he claimed it later anyway, not wanted to show the humiliation of a woman as authentically as possible, their fear, their despair, their anger, inaugurated the actress in the Details of this scene, in the Marlon you Brando assails using Butter, and the camera keeps mercilessly on top of the surprised, horrified, desperate face of a woman, the screams and cries and wants to fight back against what’s happening.

This young woman, 19 years old and, according to the current legislation, a minor, had to be according to Bertolucci decreased, so that it looked authentic. “I feel guilty, but I don’t regret it,” said the Director later. To call a spade a spade: It is sexual assault, a Felony, and Bertolucci and Brando have the can do, because no one stopped them. “In my opinion, this was a crime with many witnesses,” says Claire Warden: “So what would happen if I’m in the vicinity.”

“Clear rules provide for relaxation”

However, the Warden and her colleague can of Intimacy Directors International (IDI) are not yet long in the vicinity. The Non-Profit Association of coordinators for tricky scenes in theatre, Film and television was established only two and half years ago. On the Set there are specialists for all sorts of Details, choreographers for dances and Stunts, for example, experts in Sound and lighting while shooting the music video for “Jenny from the Block” there was even one who was responsible for the nipple of the singer Jennifer Lopez in a scene were set. So why are there these experts for intimate scenes only since 2016?

“The trigger was the misogynen brags of Donald Trump, what he could allow himself as a celebrity in shooting everything,” says Warden: “The revelations about sexual abuse in Hollywood, and the subsequent “Me Too”movement were catalysts, but Trumps ,Grab them by the pussy’-statements have shown to the people in the industry that also on Set a lot is going wrong.”

she herself had experienced as a young actress at the theatre: “There was a scene in the kiss and hug. It was all arranged, but then a representation needs of the Situation, and suddenly, the Hand was not there, where it belonged. There was no one I could have had me.”

IDI-founder Claire Warden. Image: clairewarden.com

art is meant to provoke, they challenged social boundaries and moves you. And what is to be seen on stage and screen, to stir up the viewers, to shock, disturb. An actor must create an Illusion, not only through language and Gestures and facial Expressions, but often through contact with other actors. “Physical Storytelling” is what they call the in the United States, if an actor embody a character in a truthful way, that does not mean, however, that you must actually become this character or that they even churned out work at the end of the rotation, or be upset to shocked. And it certainly does not mean that laws must be put in the name of art.

The Intimacy Directors International have developed a Protocol for dealing with these scenes, which is not always to do with Sex. Intimate can be a kiss, a hug, the Pack on his Arm. In the script, only “kiss” or “hug” or “grabs you violently by the Arm is then often” – who knows what that means exactly, especially if it happens to be perhaps for the first Time in my life? “A lot of actors experience, because you start very early with this art, the first kiss of her life on the stage or in front of the camera,” says Warden: “to you has been said: ‘Now kiss!’ And then was kissed.”

A kiss is not allowed to deliver to be

The IDI Protocol is now in collaboration with psychologists, lawyers and sociologists, some of the parameters for these scenes. “It’s a bit like Shakespeare: The clear verse of the mass ensures that the words may unfold its impact,” says Warden: “In the case of intimate scenes, provide clear rules for relaxation and, ultimately, greater freedom.” Often, the presence of an Intimacy Directors rich already: “The people know that someone cares, and even the Directors understand now that we do, ultimately, is none other than the choreographer of a dance scene.”

Specifically, this means: Warden reads the script and discusses with the Director how the individual scenes are stage-like, then discussions with the actors will follow: “It is clear how everything should run.” During the filming of the Warden stands next to the camera. Sometimes, there are opportunities apparent beside the point, she says, which would reassure an actor, a mint before a kiss, for example, or a cushion for an actress who must do so, as you would with your Partner on your knees and orally satisfy.

How the will is actually with Method Acting, the technique to merge with the actor as with his character? If he does not, suddenly, something in the script? “I’m not taking that as an excuse for sexual harassment, because even a Method-Acting-actor listens to the Director’s instructions, such as, that he should speak louder. Why does not appear, his Hand suddenly somewhere where she belongs?”, Warden says: “If an actor believes that it would help the story if he agreed, his Hand is somewhere different than before, then he can with me, his partner and the Director talk about it and we will find a solution together.”

The Pay-TV channel HBO has to work after successful experiments in turning to shows like The Deuce, Crashing and Watchmen announced that in future all productions a Intimacy-coordinator of the deal. The IDI-founders, the training just 22 people, to meet rising demand, in the hope that your log will be inserted in the new collective bargaining agreement between actors and production companies that will be negotiated in the coming year. The time for excuses will be over for good, and thus the uncertainty.

“I’m working with an actor who must play a rapist,” says Warden: “It is one of the most difficult roles there is. If we decide beforehand with all the parties Involved, what is going to happen, then it can develop that actor within this framework, and a great power supply, which then acts as authentic as possible.”

What many people forget is that A kiss may not even be real, so he looks on the screen is real. It does not, therefore, as in the case of scuffles, a choreography, a scene at the end so that the audience believes you. That’s exactly what bothers Warden, in addition to the sexual harassment, even at this scene in last Tango in Paris. She says: “I think I would have done a better, a more realistic scene without confusion, without fear, without Trauma.” (Süddeutsche Zeitung)

Created: 10.12.2018, 12:03 PM