It is 18 o’clock. Time, the dinner to prepare. Only the lettuce that was stored for several days in the refrigerator, is cut into bite-sized pieces and rinse thoroughly under running water washed. On the stove, the carrots to cook in plenty of salted water. After the Draining vorgehackter Peterli it comes, and then in the oven to keep Warm. Now the potatoes. First peel, then dice, wash again, and cook until they are soft.

Well possible, that the meal tastes of the whole family. Especially rich in nutrients, but this dinner is not, in spite of salad and vegetables. A significant part of the vitamins is, in fact, gone through the incorrect storage and preparation lost.

can the human body just Vitamin D.

In some of the food goes very quickly: there Is a head of Lettuce three days in the refrigerator, he can about half of its Vitamin C content lose. If you wash it too much, goes down a further proportion of Vitamin C, so to speak, down the drain. “Vitamin C is the “sensitive” under the vitamins,” says Stephanie Bieler, expert for food in the case of the Swiss nutrition society (SGE).

Vitamin C, which our body requires, among other things, for the manufacture of connective and bone tissue, it is not the only Vitamin, which suffers from incorrect storage and preparation. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is sensitive to light, air, water, and heat. Water dissolves the Vitamin from the of fruits or vegetables, while light, air and heat are added to the Vitamin by it is oxidized, that is, with oxygen, combines, and so loses its effectiveness. “The fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, however, losses are not about Preparation is rather stable, since they dissolve in the water,” says Stéphanie Bieler. But they also react depending on the Vitamin sensitive to light or oxygen, and can lose their effect.

vitamins provide the body with energy, although no, but they are important for the metabolism. Even the human body just Vitamin D, but often not in sufficient quantity can be produced. Vitamins must be supplied through the diet. You are stuck in fruits and vegetables, but also in starch products, nuts, Oils and fats, eggs, meat, fish and dairy products. How much we need of them is individually different and depends on your gender, lifestyle, Stress, or age. But In any case, the following applies: In purchasing, storage and preparation, you should make sure that as many of the vitamins remain intact.

vitamin loss by transport

in Principle, shall be stored: The longer fresh food, the more vitamins are lost. Fruits and vegetables with a long route, for example, from Overseas, then some time in the Shop, have already been a considerable loss of vitamins. This continues in the domestic refrigerator. Better it is therefore used as fresh as possible, seasonal products without long transport routes, and prepares them quickly. “In Reserve vegetables is recommended as an Alternative to frozen,” says Stéphanie Bieler of the SGE. In terms of vitamin content, it is preferable vegetables from cans. In modern warehouses, temperatures, light conditions and humidity are optimally adapted to the needs of the products to store as vitamin gently. This applies also, as far as possible to home. Specifically: “fruits and vegetables at room stored temperature, the Vitamin-C loss per day is approximately 5 – to 10-times higher than in the case of optimal storage conditions with temperatures of 0 to 2 degrees Celsius and 90 – to 98-percent relative humidity,” says the expert.

But be careful: Some fruits and vegetables sensitive to cold (see tables). Tropical fruits, cucumbers, potatoes and tomatoes, for example, lose in the fridge to taste. Better that they be stored in a cool, dark place, such as in the basement. Also some fruits and vegetables should not come too close. Tomatoes or Apples with the storage of ethylene, the ripening process will contribute and thus all the fruit, store in the immediate vicinity, and faster aging.

Be washed fruits and vegetables before consumption is only short, it is hardly to vitamin losses. “The vegetables, however, already crushed a long time in the water, which leads to significant losses. Depending on the vegetable crop, and degree of comminution of the Vitamin C loss to 15 minutes “bathing” in the case of up to 18 per cent, after an hour, he is more than twice as high,” says nutritionist Stephanie Bieler.

But even with the Upgrade there are several things to consider. Here are the pieces, the following applies: The smaller, the more the vitamins go into the water, because the surface is increased. So, it is healthier if fruits or vegetables are not cut if they need to be washed after the Upgrade again – too small.

If it is edible, should also be the shell cooked because frequently put in your valuable ingredients. “In a study were measured in 100 grams of unpeeled Apple about 16 milligrams of Vitamin C and 12 micrograms of folic acid. 100 grams of peeled apples contain only 8 milligrams of Vitamin C and 5 micro-grams of folic acid,” says Stéphanie Bieler. That’s reason enough to refrain, if possible, on the Peel.

Also, when Cooking, it is important to note a few things. Decisive are the factors of time and amount of water, because long cooking times with a lot of water to put the vitamin content. The vitamin most gentle preparation of vegetables is the Stew. It works with any pan that has a matching lid. The pot is covered with soil with little water and Food, subsequently, with the lid closed cooked. Since the escape of water vapor, can be used to cook food gently in their own steam, and only a few vitamins are lost.

Is regarded as a vitamin preparation already at the end of: vegetables grilling. Photo:

water-rich vegetables such as zucchini or rhubarb can even be completely steamed without the addition of water. This also works with carrots, by giving you with a bit of Butter in the pan and with the lid closed until firm to the bite cooks. “Alternatively, also apply to Grilling or cooking in the microwave as a vitamin-preserving preparation methods,” says Stéphanie Bieler. Not least, the food should be eaten immediately, because, as light and air also contributes to the warm bodies to vitamin loss.

(the Swiss family)

Created: 18.04.2019, 20:17 PM