“The world will be more boring without someone to admire”

“Anna Andersson on the heavy case, for the sake of time – but thank god there is Gun-Britt Sundström”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“It came back in september, Gun-Britt sundström’s autobiographical Skrivliv, but I saved it throughout the fall in order to be able to read undisturbed and in one fell swoop during the christmas holidays. The plan held, during the christmas and annandagarna fell I in her wonderful book, full of independent reflections, time-spanned images and just enough namedropping from kultursveriges 60 – and 70-century.”

“It was a relief for me that the book was so good because I have admired Sundström a long time, ever since I in my teens to read To Lydia, ten years later, her Husband, and then all I come across that she had written. And it is so hard with admiration in these times. It is called that to distinguish on the works and person but it is difficult when the person constantly intrudes.”

“There are övertydliga example, that the Swedish Academy decay. Has rarely been so lofty positions, devalued just as fast, for people not been able to put the institution’s best before his own person.”

“Metoo-the wave of flushed also remove a lot of admiration. You may think that it is good that people must take responsibility for their grisiga behaviors, but still be disappointed in the individual cases – as I was when the actor Jeffrey Tambor had punished itself out from the fine tv series Transparent.”

“Speaking of transparency, so has the social media made that we get to know way too much about some celebrities. I understand the need to check the image by itself, but it becomes paradoxical when they write more private on the Instagram than any journal would do, if love affairs, children and the disappointment when an item they purchased is not up to the mark. They will perhaps be more human – but also a bit more difficult to admire.”

“So it is important, then, to admire the people? It is not a sign of an egalitarian society where even movie stars, athletes, and authors show that it is just like the rest of us?”

“actually, I don’t. My admiration is a certainty that there are people who think bigger and better than what I do, and who do things that I would never be able to do. They need not be perfect people but a little integrity doesn’t hurt – I don’t want to know too much about the divorce, julfiranden or bad shoes,.”

“That Gun-Britt Sundström. She seems to have just the kind of privacy you would like to see in the Swedish Academy.”