“Yellow vests have been a countermovement”

“But there is also a counter-movement – Red-coloured scarves.”

“after all, It’s not as if France is a developing country,” says the representative Philippe Lhoste.”

“It’s Saturday in early February and the majority of butiksfönstren along the parisian boulevard of Champs-Elysees, has been covered over with masonitskivor and corrugated sheets. It is time for another one of the Yellow västarnas demonstrations.”

“One of the participants is 56-year-old Nadine Lemoine. Since the very first demonstration in november, she and her husband flew in from the paris suburb of Chelles every weekend to show their dissatisfaction with how the country according to them, ”is guided straight in the bottom” of the president Emmanuel Macron.”

“Even if the demonstrations initially focused on an increase of the French diesel, it’s the now of social injustice in general,” she explains.”

“– the Situation just gets worse and worse. We common people barely have any social security left. Wages are far too low – I know many people who go on the minimum wage – and for the old and sick, it is even more difficult, ” she says, and join the ranks to the forefront as soon as demonstrationståget put in the time.”

“– It’s as if it doesn’t count if the man is not rich and lives in the city, ” she says, referring to France’s huge class differences, which become especially obvious when the demonstrators pass the Dior store in the eighth arrondissement.”

“– But oh my god, 1 100 euros for a vase! It is more than my entire rent, exclaims a woman in their 50s.”

“A younger man react on the price tag and hauls up a spray can and scribbles ”we do not want to debate, we want to determine the” over the shop window. The text refers to the ”national dialogue” as Macros declared in order to address discontent with his reforms.”

“a Minute after the break, the violence between police and protesters, and today’s the first tårgasmoln settles as a thick blanket over the group. Projectiles from both sides begin to whiz through the air and when the protesters come to the national assembly reaches the clashes for the time being.”

“For the 38-year-old entrepreneur Philippe Lhoste, it is precisely the violence of Yellow västarnas rampage that in the beginning of december, got him to take the blade from your mouth and become a representative for the growing motrörelsen, Red-coloured scarves.”

“– In the beginning, I kept with the Yellow vests reds. note.). I was also affected by the diesel because I live outside of Paris, ” he says when the TT hits him at a café in the capital.”

“– But when they gave themselves at the arc de triomphe, which is a national monument, and put out the flame on the tomb of the unknown soldier, I had enough, ” he says, referring to the riots that hit Paris on 1 december.”

“He is also annoyed over how Yellow västarnas inability to organize themselves led to the infiltration from both the extreme right as the extreme left and recently also from anti-semites.”

” after all, It’s not as if France is a developing country. The fact is that we have one of the best social systems in the world here, ” he says, and talks about how he himself experienced poverty at close quarters after that, together with its twin brother have lived as street children in south Korea for up to five years of age.”

“– We were forced to steal in order to even be able to eat.”

“– Such a thing happens rarely here.”

“the Red-coloured scarves, which now counts about 40 000 active supporters, has not at all the same view of France as the Yellow packs,” he says, and turns away accusations that the movement is particularly Macron-friendly and must belong to the “

” We are self-employed, farmers, bakers – all of it. We come from all walks of life and we have to vote different.”

” The biggest difference is that they have lost hope, but it has not. Just before the Yellow vests showed up, it felt as if France was on the road again, we had started to catch up after krisåren that followed in 2008. It began to seem bright. However, economic recovery takes time, and it requires patience.”

“At the end of January gathered more than 10 500 red scarves in Paris as a backlash against the Yellow vests and to say no to in front of all the violence, but also to vägblockaderna. The movement, which generally speaking are against the demonstrations, during the week kept the ”pacifist” marches in several French cities to express their samhällsförsvarande message.”

“– It is not something we usually do. We are the silent French, but sometimes we must make our voice heard.”

“After several weeks of increasingly avmattade demonstrations from the protest movement Yellow vests were once again violent scenes on the Paris streets on Saturday 16 march.”

“A major focus from the operating side, resulted in new clashes with the utkommenderade the police.”

“the Demonstrators traveled barricades, vandalized and looted shops around the avenue des Champs-Élysées and the arc de triomphe.”

“a building with A bank on the ground floor and housing on top was set on fire. The residents, including children, were evacuated. Eleven people received minor injuries in connection with the fire, according to emergency services.”

“Over 5 000 police officers had been placed around the Champs-Élysées to keep order, and several tube stations were kept closed.”

“the Police were subjected to stone throwing and responded with tear gas and water cannons. At least 17 police officers and 42 protesters were injured, according to police.”

“According to the ministry of the interior participated with a total of approximately 32 300 people in protests across France.”

“the Yellow vests (Gilets jaunes) is a loose movement that was originally formed in protest against raising the tax on gasoline and diesel. The protests have since grown to include a more general dissatisfaction with president Emmanuel Macron and his economic policies.”

“Since november, has tens of thousands of demonstrators – sometimes hundreds of thousands – on Saturday taken to the streets in Paris and other cities such as Lille and Marseille. Occasionally, the protests have been violent and led to vandalism. Several people have died as a result of the violence.”

“During the demonstrations in december of last year was the arc de triomphe nedklottrad and luxury boutiques along the avenue des Champs-Élysées had window panes shattered. Over 260 people were injured, including several police officers, and over 400 were arrested. At one point, tried a group of protesters storming a department in Paris.”

“A group of people have announced that they are set up in the elections to the european Parliament in the operating name. It has led to some internal division, then the other groups think that one should completely stand outside of politics.”