in the World are gone, according to a study last year twelve million hectares of tropical forest lost. Of particular concern is the loss of the original rain forest in the tropics, whether it is in the report of the project Global Forest Watch (GFW), which was released on Thursday. A total of 3.64 million hectares of this tree are the stock vanished – an area larger than Belgium.

the data from The report come to the GWF-information from the University of Maryland, and were worn by the analysis of satellite images. In the report, it is not only deforestation, but also to destruction by fires. Forests contain numerous species, but, especially as carbon storage, a major influence on the climate.

This map shows where most forest has been cleared.

compared to the years 2016 and 2017, the authors of last year recorded a small decline. Accordingly, the number of losses in the tropical forest, 2016, amounted to 16.95 million hectares in 2017, it was 15,81 million.

Strong deforestation in Brazil

Sad leader last year was Brazil, where, according to the study, 1.35 million acres were lost to the original rain forest. Some of it was due to forest fires, the large part but I have to do apparently to the fact that surfaces were cleared to create pasture land, it is said in the report.

The authors emphasize that it is still too early to evaluate the impact of the policy of the new President of Jair Bolsonaro estimate. The high declines are still happening in front of the office. Bolsonaro made it clear that protecting the environment are among his priorities. He wants to designate any new protected areas in the Amazon region and further deforestation in the rain forest allow it.

As a positive example cited in the study, Indonesia. In the Southeast Asian country, the loss of primary forest has fallen to the lowest level since 2003. This indicates that protection measures taken by the government took effect. (aru/sda)

Created: 25.04.2019, 09:37 PM