What happened?
It is the end of a Celebrity marriage, which had always been exemplary, now comes a complete surprise to the Public – the message that Thomas and Thea Gottschalk.

What we know so far?
Only very little. Lawyer Christian Schertz, a report by the tabloid newspaper “Bild”, have confirmed the separation. The two sons of the couple, 36 and 29 years of age, had been informed a few weeks ago. Despite the separation, they wanted to be “together and be there for each other”. Sentences that you write, if you give to much Private to the outside world and at the same time clearly wants to make, that both sides are keen to make the relationship not make it worse than it is.

How long the Gottschalks were together?
The two share a long connection, for an extraordinarily long time for show business-dimensions. In 1972, the two met at the Munich medicine ball, as a radio presenter was Gottschalk already at the Bayerischer Rundfunk. Four years later they married. So it’s the end of a marriage that has held for more than 42 years.

What was the reason for the separation?
The “image” according to the 68 to met-Year-old at the beginning of the year a new woman. He is said to have the 73-year-old Thea Gottschalk informed. Publicly he does not want to comment on. Who should be the new woman in the life of Thomas Gottschalk, is not yet publicly known.

there Was a sign?
Clearly, everything is kind of in the direction of suggest the Couple have lived apart, will now be used. Friends, the image, writes should be noticed that the Pair have seen in the past few months only rarely. In November, the Gottschalks had to cope with a serious misfortune, her house in Malibu was destroyed in the devastating forest fires in California. Thea Gottschalk could save your cats just before the fire roller moved on the plot, came afterwards with friends. Thomas Gottschalk was at this time in Germany, hosted shows, and is to be flown only two weeks later. (olkl/pvn/SZ.de)

Created: 18.03.2019, 15:37 PM