“Time to M turns on to nationalise the school”
“Debater: After januariavtalet it is only you who stands at the side of the”
“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”
“the DEBATE. After the so-called januariavtalet, the sakpolitiska the agreement with the central questions which will be implemented during the current term of office, it is clear that there is now a majority in favour of a state authority, or an increase in state responsibility, for school.”
“in Addition to the parties which concluded the agreement, the social democrats, the Greens, the Liberals and the Centre party – as is also the Left party, the Christian democrats and The sweden democrats ruled in favour of the state taking over responsibility for the school. “
“it is only the Conservatives who stand at the side of, despite the fact that it is also for them is an urgent need to strengthen the equivalence in the Swedish school. “
” In a review made about what the Moderates and the Christian democrats believe about the agreement, and in particular of the state authority, welcomes the christian democrat education spokesperson, an investigation that will take forward proposals for how the school should be socialised. “
“the Conservatives, however, are critical to such a decision-making basis should be developed.”
“the Teachers’ Association would push for a modern state the role of principals of the school, it was decided by our congress in 2008. After the persistent and assiduous efforts, we have managed to get a question, which was discharged to come up on the agenda. “
“With Leif Lewins investigation in 2014, ”the State may not abdicate,” which went through the effects of kommunaliseringen of the school, and, not least, Skolkommissionen added in 2015, and which presented its final report in 2017, ”the Collection of the school”, important steps have been taken forward. More and more parties have started to support the system change that needs to be done. “
“And now the incoming government, therefore, committed itself to investigate what a nationalisation of the school could mean. It is a great success for us in our years of struggle for change.”
“There have been concerns that much of it agreed upon in the settlement only shall be investigations and paper products, which in the worst case ends up in a drawer. “
“We know it is facing a major reform required a thorough investigation, but then it is high time to move from words to action. We assume that the proposal of nationalisation is about a sincere desire from the parties to map out a new path for the school. “
“It is, however, not investigated thoroughly – yes, not investigated at all if we are to be sure – was kommunaliseringen of the school. It led to decades of choppy development with major implications for both the equivalence and quality. A lot of what has been done is irreversible, but it is extremely gratifying that seven of the eight parliamentary parties are now prepared to reverse the trend.”
“we hope Now that the Conservatives join and jump in the caravan with the other parties as it rolls toward the future.”
“nÅsa Fahlén, president of the Teachers Association”
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