“Time to stop wobble against SD”

“the Choice 2018: The Tug-of-war in the alliance”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“It’s funny how quickly it can swing. The christian democrat Ebba Busch Thor was before the elections clear with its no cooperation with The sweden democrats. There were no prospects for it, not in 20 years time, she said to Göteborgs-Posten. Then landed the ballots in the troughs, the red-green bloc was larger than the alliance. Now it sounds different.n– I stand for our policies and our values in all situations, regardless who is voting for. And then I have been prepared to take office in government, even if it requires support from The sweden democrats, ” said Busch Thor on Tuesday to the TT.nMakten curls. The dangling so close, so accessible. But the Centre party and the Liberals know why SD is an impossible regeringsunderlag.n– We will not release any government that does not give us any influence, ” says SD’s Jimmie Åkesson to Aftonbladet.nSedan Åkesson made an entrance, there has been a thorough cleaning of the surface in the party with roots in the white power movement. Away with nazistsymbolerna, check with a tie and suit. The basic idea is extreme nationalism, which kulturblandning at any cost must be avoided, but some of the message fits better in social media than in programskrifter. “The leaders in the party understand very well that the documents should be formulated in such a way that as few voters as possible rejected”, writes Håkan Holmberg, political editor-in-chief, and a phd in history, in the report “The dangerous diversity”. SD’s strategy is clear. “

“How then is the party who want to have influence?”

“Kulturkrig: ”Victory or death””

“Where the old SD was talking about race, talking the present-day party on the “congenital essence”. Refugees being painted as the biggest threat. “

“SD want to introduce asylstopp, prohibit dual citizenship, say no to the refugees and want to bet a billion on”

“the Party opposing equality”

“SD is explicitly anti-feminist, and gender equality motas on a broad front. The party want to take away the earmarked months in the parental, despite the fact that they made the crucial difference for parental leave for men and to boost women’s wages. SD was hemmafruskapande reforms that paid parental leave is particularly concerned. In exercise after exercise have SD tried to force back aborträtten, but also limit the possibilities of abortion by vårdvägran in the form of ”

“the SD has not supported a single reform for the lgbt group’s rights, and the party says no to assisted reproduction for lesbian couples. Wrote in his blog SD-top Björn South 2007: ”What is it that says that the s k the normalization ends with bi – gay and transgender people to be normalized? Why not people who commit bestiality (sex with animals) or paedophilia? These sexual degenerates is not normal and will never be normal.””

“the Media should be stopped ”in due time””

“Hatred of freedom of the media is expressed in the SD. ”You are, and will remain this nation’s enemies,” wrote the SD’s former chief of staff, Linus Bylund of the Swedish journalists after Kaplan-scandal in 2016. Partikollegan Kent Ekeroth wrote on Twitter to stop media “in due time”. At the same time supports SD amounts of propagandakanaler, disguised as news sites. One of them is Samhällsnytt, former Workers, led by Kent Ekeroth.nSD highlights the often countries such as Hungary, not only for flyktingmotståndet. Viktor Orbán’s government has closed down liberal universities, and created control over the media and the courts. When Jimmie Åkesson after year Almedalstal got to choose if he sympathized with Orbán or Merkel, he chose Orbán. you Denmark have SD’s sister party Dansk Folkeparti has been successful. The budget for the Danish public service broadcaster Danmarks Radio is reduced now by 20%, leading to sharp cuts. Dansk Folkepartis imprint is clear. The DR may no longer produce in-depth articles, half of the music played must be Danish, and it should be clear that the Danish society rests on christianity. “

“SD wants to tear down the rule of law”

“Hungary is a role model when it comes to the perception of the rule of law. We are all equal before the law, but not according to SD. The majority of SD’s youth have made it clear that they intend to let a åtalads national or religious background play into when to take a position on the board. The probability of a conviction increases by 17 percentage points for defendants with ”

“the Party asserts that probation should register with the Swedish population according to national background. It also applies to people who are born in Sweden and have at least one foreign-born parent.”

“American, but still not really Swedish. Not according to SD.”

“the Power looms now for the alliance. The question is: will they take the road that leads right into the darkness?”