“To slim down the AF – set requirements for recipients”
“the Debaters: the Face of the ceiling and heltidsaktivera beneficiaries”
“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”
“the DEBATE. Cost of allowances in the municipalities was expected to increase already before the januariöverenskommelsens unconditional promise of increased immigration. The public employment service will be reformed fundamentally. It is a conversion that would started many years ago, but which now are carried out with a haste that arouses concern in many municipalities. To equip the face of a new national labour market policies and the difficult time that lies ahead of local reforms.”
“the Proposal of the employment service in januariöverenskommelsen recalls, in significant parts of the Alliance’s joint reform proposal ahead of the elections. Job placement, training and other support measures shall be carried out by private providers, which shall be replaced for the results. A state employment service to manage the control of the job seekers, the decision if support and follow-up of the operator. “
“Mu002FKD-budget returned to the authority’s budget to the 2015 levels. Sweden has among the world’s highest expenditure for active labour market policies, but limited results when compared with Germany, for example.”
“trade Unions and municipal arbetsmarknadsförvaltningar feel called to invent new actions. Both are needed and can contribute in different ways, but should not compete with the authorized performers. “
“the Municipalities now have good opportunities to create the conditions for powerful, stand-alone jobbaktörer with a broad toolbox. Many companies that provide adult education and SFI within the auktorisationsmodellerna in our municipalities is also procured by the employment service for various stakes, not least Support and matching (STOM). “
“When job seekers no longer should go to the employment service, it becomes more important to create the conditions for independent players to establish themselves in the municipality, than to worry that the agency is closing its local office.”
“the Conservatives Sverigemöte presented a reformrapport if the local democrats’ jobs policy. The report is based on conclusions from Solnamodellen, Växjölöftet and other successful, local ways of working for more jobs and fewer contributions. It contains, among other things:”
“Municipalities can choose to prepare themselves with local reforms-the new national labour policy. When needed arbetslinje, the labour market and workforce for all.”
“nErik Bengtzboe (M), Member of parliament and policy talespersonnLars Rådén (M), Councilor, SolnanOliver Rosengren (M), Mayor, Växjö”
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