“To walk by each other’s side”

“Inga-Lina Lindqvist view the Lasse Berg’s ”Still not gone””

“”Salutogenesis” means the health origin.”

“the Term coined by the sociologist Aaron Antonovsky, who wanted to know why some people are able to handle suffering better than others. His research showed that the sense of context, giving the man an increased ability to cope with crises.”

“Still not missing is a sorgebok of the educator and Afrikakännaren Lasse Berg. The family lost their daughter Linda in a tragic fallolycka in the home. She was thirty-five years old.”

“When a child dies is lost the future. The news of Linda’s death to tear their hearts.”

“Cohesion, creative work, friends, love of animals and nature characterizes the familjesfären and I feel my joy of life radiate out from the individual pages. Death do something with the affected and Yet not missing is an investigation of what that something is.”

“nFörst of all comes the realization that sorrow’s different phases don’t really follow the standard formula in which the shock is to be followed by denial and then acceptance.”

“the Mountains builds up one’s own chain of the loss stages. First lost the desire to write. The body disconnects. The mind focuses on the interaction with the nearest. Ambition fades as well as all interest in fiction. In contrast, the non-fiction and news heavy, secure anchor. Even Donald Trump is a lifeline. It scatters in all cases the tanks.”

“the Berg analyzes the sorrow, on the basis of the origin of man as hunters and gatherers on the savannah, a theme he previously portrayed in his popular Kalahari-the trilogy.”

“nMänniskan have evolved to live in the community. Evolution has endowed our ancestors with only two legs but in return, freed two arms in which they could carry home food to others in the group. Berg formulates the endless beautiful: ”This is the meaning of life: to walk with the others, the my towards the horizon”.”

“But what happens when someone disappears from their will away, dies?”

“the Mountain has a bright, hopeful and unfailingly optimistic outlook on life and on man. Sense of coherence, Antonovsky said, was the most important factor for our ability to survive trauma, saves the family from going under in the grief of a loved family member.”

“What I will carry with me is Berg’s concerns about children and young people are not only linked to the parents, but primarily to their peers. Evolution strengthens those ties. It is, of course, with his generation of peers to create the future. The relationship to peers is a lifelong insurance.”

“nMen the present, making tough demands on our inner hunter and gatherer. The brain can not keep up. Fierce competition in the labour market, the housing market, kärleksmarknaden and increased demands for efficiency, erodes the soul, creates the black hole.”

“the reason is Linda’s special talent for friendship, the book’s heart. The meaning of life is to walk by each other’s side. As long as it goes.”

“” Still not gone on grief, comfort, and ‘being human’