“To work against the Work”

“Petter Larsson read about an activist’s struggle for asylum”

“In October 2015, that asylum seekers young irakiern the Final decision from the Swedish migration board in the Shed that they will process his application and that he has a right to a lawyer.”

“Why repeat this all the time? All the documents are. The only thing that is missing is a reply”, says the frustrated author Tomas Bresky in the Book of Abed. If I’m counting right, Abed, at the time, at least three times been refused. So, yes, he has received a response. Just not the answer that the Bresky want to see.”

“This little episode says a lot about the book as a whole.”

“nthis is about how Bresky in nine years, beat his forehead bloody against the authorities for his protégé to stay in Sweden. Abed has ”met all the requirements for a refugee. Exemplary and for several years worked and paid taxes and contributed to our prosperity,” he writes.”

“in Addition, we know that Abed is a reko guy, unlike, apparently, many other refugees were telling the truth, doing well at school nice and likes football.”

“nJag recognize anpassningsargumentet from other pläderingar for individual refugees, and an activist, it is of course legitimate to use all kinds of reasons helter-skelter. The desperation has no law.”

“It’s just not direct any stringent argument. The only requirements that can be imposed on a refugee is that of the hen should be in need of protection. It manages to Abed, right or wrong, the book through not convince the authorities that he is.”

“This is fundamentally a good system, if you ask me: the Right to asylum is available for all, not just for the well-behaved. Want to set some of the vipkö you can make a case for it. But it does not Bresky. The same show is repeated when it comes to the issue of a work permit.”

“n”Can a case be easier than Abeds? Well in Swedish society, speak the language, have a dwelling and clear the paper from the employer with the promise of permanent employment … ?” exclaims Bresky. He contrasts Abeds problem with how quickly thousands of people from India and Thailand, not to mention elite athletes, can get a work permit. They don’t even have protection!”

“Yes, yes. But unlike the indians and the other, so looking for the not Abed from home. Such a rule can be accept, but you can hardly whine that it is complied with.”

“nEn only once, ask themselves Bresky why Abed should be granted asylum.”

” I have to ask the question and I must answer it. So clear that it is that I got to know him. But this is dangerous ground. How to be a fair sorting of people go to?” Point.”

“It is typical. As soon as the idea to leave the clean partsinlagan pops up in your head so suffocated it. “

“”I Am unjust in my criticism of the Swedish Migration board’s case handlers and decision-makers?” “

“it is really a great question, because it is unclear whether it is legislation or the application or both Bresky storms. But no answer, we must not.”

“it is the case, Abed, this is all about, and it means Tomas Bresky, as Abed himself will be overshadowed for his spokesman. On the lifeless bruksprosa describes Bresky how he fixes the job and the residence of the kid, writing applications, speaking with lawyers, the mayor and mps, and sitting in endless conversations with administrators. “

“nHan is using his role as a journalist in order to force the Migration treat to answer. In secret and against the rules, he takes Abed to Oslo, norway to apply for a work permit in Sweden and the year after year delay in the expulsion through the new submissions.”

“On the way he manages to depict how incredibly complex the system is. They get different information, documents getting lost, waiting times are long and at some point expect Bresky to 17 different officer who handled the case. ”Sometimes it’s like I’m stuck in a merry-go-round that I don’t take me out”, as Abed himself says.”

“nNaturligtvis committed plenty of errors in this system. It shows the Migration board’s own evaluations. The decisions can be mind-boggling, skyddsklassningen wrong, the interpretations under all of the criticism and, in the end, may with the greatest certainty any stay as under the rules should be expelled, while the others expelled that should be allowed to stay.”

“It is important to know this in a time when politicians requires order and where the yes should be yes and no be no: the asylum process is a quagmire and migrationsbyråkratin is hell’s forecourt. “

“I dare not think about all those who do not have a fighting Virgil Tomas Bresky at his side.”

“” the Book of Abed – nine years of struggle against migrationsbyråkratin”