“On Tuesday, a example, is loose, catastrophic Feuertag. It could even be the most dangerous Bush fire week, this country has seen ever.” The Minister for emergency services in New South Wales, David Elliott said on Monday. In the most populous state of Australia’s rage at present 60 different Bush fire. For the first time since the introduction of the alert system in 2009, the highest level was said for Sydney, a “catastrophic” fire danger prediction.

In the neighbouring state of Queensland, were counted on Monday by the fire Department 47 fire. In some Parts of the Federal government, the state of emergency was proclaimed. Here, too, the fire danger on Tuesday is supposed to be particularly high.

The fires are even out of the All visible: A Nasa image shows where the most devastating Bush fires raging on the East coast of Australia currently. (7. November 2019) photo: Nasa Earth Observatory

The current Bush fires, an unusually long drought, strong Wind, low humidity and high temperatures, preceded by. Experts see climate change as a cause for the fire, is that you are at the beginning of the Australian summer of deadly proportions.

“climate change has ignited the brush fire. However, it increases the risk of natural disasters is very. The drought that we are facing, is more intense than the Millennium drought,” says Greg Mullins, a member of the climate Council and a former firefighter in New South Wales.

As a prevention against Bush fires, the authorities in Australia to the hazardous areas, each controlled burning. “In the dry and warm conditions but this was less to hardly possible,” says Mullins of the Sydney Morning Herald.

Two of the previous three of the victims lived here In Glen Innes, entire neighbourhoods were destroyed by the flames. (8. November 2019) photo: Keystone

the climate researchers Ned Haughton is convinced that climate change is strengthened by the Bush fires in Australia. “And it will get worse,” says Haughton. “The state does its Best to appropriate measures against climate change to stop. This is not the right way.”

The conservative government of Prime Minister Scott Morrison will always be accused of not again to do enough against climate change. Vice President Michael McCormack attacked on Monday, parliamentarians, who bring the fires with climate change. “I don’t need the excitement of some of the Greenies from the capital,” said McCormack to ABC Radio National. Bush fires have given Australia has always been. “What people need now is sympathy, understanding, and real support. You need the help. They need places of refuge.”

Vice President Michael McCormack thinks nothing of talking at the Moment about climate change. Photo: Tracey Nearmy/

The Premier self-weighting at the weekend, questions about the climate crisis in relation to the fire. His government try to balance successfully the needs of the Australian Economy and “concrete measures to combat the climate crisis”.

climate researchers, however, contradict the statement of the government, Australia will be able to meet the objectives of the Paris climate agreement. “We know that the average temperature of one degree Celcius is in Australia already above the long-term average,” says Richard Thornton, managing Director of the research centre for forest fires and natural hazards to the BBC. The emissions of greenhouse gases are rising in Australia steadily. In 2018, it reached the highest value measured on the continent ever.

with Material of SDA (aru)

11.11.2019, 13:44 PM
