“Nice we have it here!” Toni Vescoli calls. His gaze slides over the small swamp landscape that roams the house of the sheep farmer, has hoisted the Swiss Flag. And if he looks on this little piece of perfect world, much seems to be less tight than it is on short-term visitors to the Zurich upper country, community forest acts, first of all, here’s where the Swiss rock pioneer lived for eleven years.

These Size: it also has to do with the 76-Year-old, to his satisfaction, he radiates, and his down-to-earth radical audacity, which you can read in his long, gray hair that he always tied together in the Ross cock. “You see the hair?”, he asks the photographer. Otherwise, people, asked, whether he had cut off his steed tail then come back.

Now, the Ross cock is seen also on the Cover of “Gääle moon”, Vescolis first Album for eleven years. The new songs are evidence of, must prove nothing more. “I wanted to make a location determination,” says the new drummer later, in his music room in a residential barracks, which is located in the vicinity of the small swamp. “And the Fans who have always asked, on what record I’m listening to for solo, also give something.”

blue driven as well as

“Elei dihei” was the working title, as he took the first Songs. Because he was all alone with his guitar, with the recording computer and the tube preamp, it has upstream, so that it sounds too cold. But the new drummer did not want to be on the solo concept of limit, with US musicians a couple of extra Songs with which he has already on his last albums, “Tegsass” and “66”. Because, as you said: It would actually be time for a “77”, because the next repdigit birthday is in the summer, Yes.

As you can hear on “Gääle moon,” the singer-songwriter as the band musicians of the new drummer. Blue, the has-driven than the Songs, “so crazy,” he says. “I was always of the opinion that the Blues is something the Black.” In today’s world, you could get the Blues. And in General: “I have seen quite a few things in my life, so I can sing these music “, even if he was actually a cheerful person.

As “bastard” insults

experience A couple of things: The affects of his biography, which he wrote in the voluminous book “MacheWasiWill” five years ago, already low, almost as an understatement. In 1942, he was born, with five he and his family moved to Peru, only three years later, the Vescolis returned. “I was uprooted, then again torn loose,” and so it went more often. He is one of the residential communities, until he is then moved out of the house, in the city of Zurich, where he was reviled as a “Tschingg” and “long-haired bastard”.

He wanted to do just what he wanted and what he loved. And it was primarily music that he, unlike the Judo Club or the scouts, you won’t have a ban: “My father has told me to start a Band. He said: “is not an option, do you your Stifti.” I then simply made on the sly,” says Toni Vescoli. He needed fellow musicians in those early ‘ 60s, when the British Guitar band The Shadows, eager for the sound of the time, and him, the Rock-’n’-Roll Fan, fascinated. Before then the Beatlemania broke out in this country, and Les Sauterelles, Vescolis Band, the Swiss Version of the Fab Four mutant. It Hits, like “Heavenly Club,” the stand for six weeks in the hit parade tip get to you. The Sauterelles played in the opening act of the Rolling Stones, as the stadium was demolished. They toured constantly, until the Beat fades shaft and Vescoli broke up the Band.

Inspiration for Polo Hofer

He was alone, played Psychedelic-Folk, “I was Horny” and imitates the sound feedback, which he was forfeited. The rock music was too hard, he resorted to the acoustic guitar, it was in the early ‘ 70s the singer-songwriter. The new drummer then sang not in English but in vernacular. “There were no role models,” he recalls, “Polo Hofer told me once that I inspired him.” To hear that, have him very happy. “But as I heard recently, my first dialect albums, I was embarrassed quite a bit. It all sounded so schampar härzig” and he switches to a fine at the end of Märlionkel voice, mimics this Heart when he says: “Guete Abig mitenand!”

As he told earlier, you also feel: there is no hard-and-tumble nostalgic, the excessive and the old times sitting. Vescoli, corrected the rebellious rock myth for themselves: “I have understood my music, never as a provocation, they told me Yes, that I was a rebel.” Sure, maybe he was a little bit, but not aware of it. And also the long hair for which he was insulted, the module stops.

“I’m very fit for my age.”Toni Vescoli

But of course: The Sauterelles, with Toni Vescoli, has been touring again in 1993, to be a “senior band”. One of the Songs of the time fresh games, the music had developed with them. In the spirit of the times as the new drummer throws also no longer ran, “my Rail is Americana – Folk, Country, Rock, don’t like that Machine in the current Pop me personally”. So we hear him on the new Album, how he honors with a rough come voice in “De priest” of the deceased Ernst Sieber – because this was a companion to “a cheibe revolutionary”. The new drummer also thanked his loyal Fans in “Dyni Blueme”, and he criticised the digitalisation, when he sings: “What vo eusre Zyt, wänns kei Byte, kei Bit meh git blybt emal?” You have to ask him then: Why so pessimistic? “To me, the digitization is, as you would be without rain protection on a hike. But what do you do when a Storm comes?” Toni asks the new drummer. “Since we are moving on thin ice.”

In “Top-Fit” sings he, finally, fit Old. How is his health? “I’m very fit for my age,” says the new drummer, “and be happy and grateful that I can stand on the stage. But the older I get, the less I plan ahead.” Who knows what is in two, three years. But to stop? “Only if I had my lyrics with a Teleprompter, or from a folder audition, then I would stop.”

Toni Vescoli: Gääle moon, www.vescoli.ch

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 16.04.2019, 17:32 PM