Andi Restle, the chief of the Zurich-based tour operator, ITS Coop Travel, takes no sheet before the mouth, when it comes to unpleasant developments in their own business. “The time of booking the entrance is currently a resinous, I can’t be satisfied with the current Situation,” is Restles first interim conclusion on the just opened the winter tourist season 2019/20.

ITS Coop Travel is one of the last operator set to 100 percent to the traditional package of services such as flight, Hotel, and Transfer to a Package of bundled and the customer as a unit to be sold. Classic beach holidays are Restles core business: “If I take as an example Egypt, where the Winter is traditionally strong, to be running on the posting front at the Moment, simply too little.”

About the reasons of the tourism experts can only speculate. That air travel in the current climate debate have a heavier Stand than also already, be sure to noticeably. With declining passenger numbers, too, Hotelplan Suisse has to fight, such as the Migros subsidiary has just announced.

“doesn’t Work anything like intended, the customer happy a contact person.”Andi Restle, ITS Coop Travel

What Andi Restle for their own Research noticed: “We have increasing numbers of visitors to our website, oddly enough, are in parallel, but the bookings back.” His Interpretation: “Many customers ask us, you can also phone for advice, to book their travel services, but individually on the Internet.”

Perhaps you received slightly lower prices, mutmasst Restle. “You do not forget the services of an organiser, especially when it works as intended.” Then, the customer will be happy, if before, during or after the trip, a contact person was available, the care for the solution of their problems.

flexibility is the magic word

After the Internet hard-pressed package showed in the last years a slight recovery, it seems the competition with the countless web portals to exacerbate current. However, the operators are fighting vehemently.

In the case of Kuoni, and their cheap brand Helvetic Tours, both owned by the German tourism, the designed package tours aware of more and more flexible. “While most holiday packages were previously offered with a seven or fourteen Nights, we want the customer to ever travel just for a weekend,” says the Helvetic-Tours-Boss Karin mark Walder. You could offer everything as a package tour, what do customers find on the Internet to individual services.

And as a little “Goodie” for the clientele, mark Walder stressed that Kuoni/Helvetic Tours obtained as a result of the recent bankruptcy of a major European operator Thomas Cook in the short term, additional hotel quotas for the winter season and to offer these greatly reduced prices can.

Less of the Internet, competitive pressure on long-distance travel, specialized operator sees the servant trips. “We offer a rather longer and more advice-intensive travel to destinations such as Russia, South Africa, new Zealand or Alaska, you can’t book on the Internet at all,” explains the head of marketing, Christoph Huckele.

Nevertheless, he admits that for some of the more simpler Arrangements in the USA, Canada or Australia, least of all the one or the other of a servant-client of the possibilities of an individual Online booking’ve discovered. This customer the more value a travel agent to – if at all – slightly higher price to show, looks Huckele as an opportunity for servant trips, as well as the industry as a whole.

package tours ensure that their customers deposits as of

Against Google and co. the trip organizer must fight back with all means, you want to save the basis for your own business model in the near future. Andi Restle of ITS Coop Travel is fully aware and preferably, the proactive Actions of the Lament. The Website of the organizer has just been rebuilt and extended. New in the package travel, with dynamic, current daily rates are offered. “We fight for our clientele, and are also not tired to emphasize the advantages of the package in consultations again and again.”

The recent bankruptcy of Thomas Cook with thousands of stranded customers that are unable to finish your paid holiday, and for this Trouble, not even financially compensated for Restle a compelling Argument. Swiss operators are under obligation pauschalt travel act, the paid-up funds of their customers. “If you book in this country on a package tour and a package holiday is protected in the event of such nasty Surprises, financially, all around.”

A contributor of travel content.

Created: 26.11.2019, 17:36 PM