Trumps dårgäng embarrass themselves on climate summit

Unfortunately, we live on the same planet as them

Aftonbladet leader board is independent socialist.

Twenty american teenagers have sued their government. They claim that their constitutional right to survive is threatened by the country’s environmental policy. President Donald Trump encourages the use of fossil fuels and to undermine the international climate change process.

One of the youngsters is Victoria Barrett, 19 years old and lives in New York city. She is studying political science and environmental studies. Right now is Barrett in Poland at the climate conference in COP24 in Katowice. She is hardly satisfied with their representatives.

Demonstrations during the klimatseminarium

“We are strongly convinced that no country should have to sacrifice economic success or energy in search of sustainability,” he says.

the Audience laughed out loud. Suddenly stood people up. They started shouting slogans. Fossil fools promoting fossil fuels, ashamed, keep the coal in the ground!

the Blinds research report

the Meeting was a fiasco for the u.s. government, but it doesn’t matter. Soon they are moving out of the paris peace agreement, and then they do not even need to be at the meetings anymore. Moreover, the week has been productive: along with Russia, saudi Arabia and Kuwait, the united states has seen that the summit will be invited to officially welcome the important research from the united nations. Instead contented himself now with that ”note” the scientific report from the intergovernmental panel on climate change IPCC.

the Report noted that we do not have the time to wait for new technologies to resist climate change, but we need to prevent them quickly. Among other things, by cutting down on the use of fossil fuels. Not very popular with Trump and his good allies.

the Emissions ignore borders

Unfortunately affects oljedårarnas spectacle of all of us. Sweden’s environment minister Karolina Skog (MP) share the planet with Trump. So the countries completely without shame is sabotaging the climate is deplorable. Especially considering that the good pupils in the class not doing a sufficient job with today’s actions we do not pass even the low target of a maximum two degree warming.

we’ll keep temperaturstigningen on the earth in two grades must be our use of fossil fuels to decline by almost half by 2030, and a complete halt to 2050. It is not made easier by Trump and dårgängets fossilkramande.

Not the adults that determine longer

Yet the climate summit not only anxiety. The protests where Victoria Barrett attended was powerful. Swedish Greta Thunberg, 15, klimatstrejkat from the school since the summer was an equally engaging speech at the conference. ”Because our leaders behave like children, we need to take the responsibility they should have taken long ago. We need to understand what the older generation has left to us, what a mess they created that we have to clean up and live with. We must make our voices heard,” said Thunberg.

Then it probably is. Time to stop relying on the önsketeknik that will not catch and save us, the time has come to demonstrate and behave like real maniacs. Bet on more international cooperation, not less. Think like a child. The adults in the room have sumpat their chances a long time ago.