Kristian Thulesen Dahl goes by the nickname Tulle.
But in these days one is tempted to add the surname of Toddler. Tulle Toddler.
First tumbled he through a u-turn in the form of an abbreviation of the controversial bypass at Mariager. Ago came a groggy hand to lukningstruede Radio 24/7, as DF-the boss will suddenly give a lifeline as the DAB channel.
add to this a myriad of poor opinion polls.
Extra Blade caught the Friday afternoon, the Danish people’s party leader on a telephone from the mid.
– For the not long ago declared that In in the DF is antipopulister. How does it relate to that In the now two times in a week beats the bak?
– I must disappoint you. I do not agree with the premise. We have turned bak around the bypass around Mariager. It is I know. There we hit not the target in the first blow. We have corrected the exchange rate.
– In relation to the Radio 24/7, we stand completely on the medieforlig we’ve made.
– We have offered a supplement to medieaftalen. Radio 24/7 is offered, if they want to operate the radio on in one form or another as the DAB channel. So it is not a new course. It is an emphasis that we would like to have the debate back on track, as we believe, it should have been. Namely, to get some geographical spread on the media that covers Denmark.
– It sounds nevertheless as if you have become soft in the knees.
Previously I have been referred to as the – also for you – as brutal. So now if I appear as soft, so it’s good that you can accommodate both.
Three Tulle-terms
1) the Week started with a u-turn, when Kristian Thulesen Dahl, contrary to the harsh medlinger from its transportordfører; Kim Christiansen, proclaimed that the bypass at the to Madeira on the be shortened.
Thus decreased the price for the project is approximately 300 million. crowns.
2) After fierce criticism of the party’s insistence on forcibly displacing Radio 24/7 to Western denmark was Thursday’s sudden new sounds from Kristian Thulesen Dahl.
He opens the radio can survive as a DAB radio channel.
3) Shortly before the government and DF agreed on a healthcare plan proposed Kristian Thulesen Dahl to raise the price of cigarettes. It was, contrary to earlier indications from his sundhedsordfører, Liselott Blixt.
– You will hit some of them, which has really get the money to live in a healthy, she said in October to DR.
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– What with the Tulle line. The train tracks to London. Can we also expect a softening there?
– No, like in all other areas near the bypass at Mariager – we are real. It is a future-proofing of our collective traffic, so you can take the train to Denmark’s second largest airport.
– And the regions, will still wipe them out?
– You can count on that, with the exception of the bypass around Mariager, Danish people’s Party, fixed. Also in relation to whether we will be ruled by the Parliament and the municipalities. A country like Denmark does not have the use of three of the elected representatives led to control us.
– has the slogan ‘You know, where we stand for’. But what about you yourself, have In track of where you stand?
– Yes, I understand well the question. And I understand what atmosphere you are trying to make about the Danish people’s Party. But when it comes to the essential things: foreigners, the EU, welfare, the elderly and health, so you know where you have the Danish people’s Party.
– So on the older – and immigration policy is fairly sure of where you stand. It is more unsafe with the other things?
– There has been a correction by monitor. the line around a bypass at Mariager. That’s it.
Community – 5. apr. 2019 – at. 13:37 DF’is raging over the harassment: – Pure evil
– the Polls only goes one way currently for you here up to the general election. Have you been desperate or panicky?
– Certainly no. There has been the Danish people’s Party, as there has been for other parties, that once you get into the spa, where everything you do is being characterized as something panic, something negative, feberredning or whatever it may be called. So is it difficult to get out of the sp again. But we do, of course, again at a time. It is our responsibility to keep the ice in the stomach.
– But if one is antipopulist, as you have declared, then we go well not so much in what some fine types in Copenhagen mean?
– I do not think it to be antipopulist is the same as that you do not bother listening to the people. Here, there are people who say they have the very great pleasure of the Radio 24/7. We are a supporter of a wide range of media.
– do you Think that many of your constituents are listening to the Radio 24/7?
– I think it is very different. I’m not even a major user of the canal. So I’m not a good judge of what it is for a radio channel. But I must accept that my medieordfører is a major user of the canal. There are a lot of people who listen to the Radio 24/7, and have joy in it. It should not just be a quantity of available media, that fits in my stuff.
below you can see all the Extra’s interview with Kristian Thulesen Dahl.