“Brexit – the Uk leaving the EU”

“Tusk stated to propose flexible brexit”

“the EU’s ambassador to the president, Donald Tusk proposes that the Uk should be offered a twelve months long flexible extension of brexit, reports the BBC, citing a senior EU source.”

“the Country would then be able to leave the EU if the uk parliament approves utträdesavtalet. The plan must be approved by EU leaders next week, according to the BBC.”

“Right now it is april 12, which applies to the united kingdom to propose a brexitplan that the EU must approve. Otherwise, the country will crash out of the day without an agreement.”

“May have earlier in the week said that she wants to have an extension that is as short as possible.”

“Prime minister Theresa May and opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn has this week started talks to seek a compromise on the utträdesavtalet, as the british parliament three times, has said no to.”