the Term ’most boring band in Denmark’ was once intended as irony, but it is progressively difficult to perceive it as such.

the TV-2 is taken at the forårsturné with the bad new album ’The good life’, which sounds like the 17 previous – just worse -, and Count, it became quite clear that today’s young people no longer look to the gråsprængte ensemble.

The faithful fans, which is a declining segment, worked the reverse is not interested in jydernes current work, so it reminded me of a kind of fornuftstridig self-destruction, since half of the numbers in the evening’s first set was taken from ’The good life’.

the expressions of the visitors indicated that the 1300 attendees would rather home and fix the dishes, and it was actually understandable, as Steffen Brandt’s songs become weaker and weaker, appears as TV-2’s interaction more and more slattent.

D’gentlemen, I have practiced since 1981, but the swinger is simply not, and even the beloved Danish pop songs like ’All she wanted was to dance’, ’the Passage of women’ and ’Real men’ sounded wrong.

’Letter to Mona’ and ’the Summer with me and Monika reminded of the Danish top ten. Hopeless.

the Portal in the Count was the second stop on the TV-2’s tour. (Photo: Jonas Olufson)
the Concert actually started the first one and a half hour into the concert, where ’the Journey to Rio’ finally put the time in Mr and Mrs Denmark, that suddenly discovered, it was Saturday and not Monday, and so was that otherwise the turn with bentøjet and bajerne to ’Be Babalula’, ’The first lovers on the moon’ and yes the ’Mr and Mrs Denmark’.

It was almost like being on the Green Concert in 1986, but the joy and the nostalgia was short, for as the TV-2 under the join them for the encore served the news ’Berlin’, had the same effect, as if someone had taken the power.

Denmark boring band in the past. Perhaps they find it even at a time.