DebattÅSIKTVillarånarna must be stopped at gränsenDebattören: Raise the penalties – and make sure that Sweden does not leak like a sieve This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not the newspaper Aftonbladet.Photo: GettyDet is extraordinarily serious about the heightened security, at banks, in shopping centers and on streets and squares leading to more robberies in homes, writes Lena Södersten, förbundsjurist, Villaägarnas RiksförbundDEBATT

DEBATE. It’s getting to be time to get a government in place.

Over the past few months, the media has repeatedly reported on how individual buildings around the north of Stockholm, has warned in the home. Villarånen has been in Järfälla, Danderyd, Sollentuna, Täby, vallentuna and Upplands-Bro.

the Robbers have been looking for the family car, but also for other valuables. More expensive brands are over-represented, but also the other cars are present.

Sometimes it’s been really rough, as in Upplands-Bro, where two family members and a guest to the family were beaten up by masked robbers. At the same time as the mother and the smallest children hid.

It is bad enough to suffer a villainbrott. A burglary is an invasion of privacy and many homeowners feel unsafe or insecure for a long time afterwards. But to be robbed in their own home is horrendous. Where will the family be able to feel safe.

Short-term, it is good to norrortspolisen takes the issue seriously and that lokalpolisområdena in Stockholm cooperate to find similarities between the cases, fix the robbers and see if the same robber has committed numerous crimes.
It is extremely serious if the height of the safety at banks, in shopping centers and on streets and squares leading to more robberies in homes. Such a development must be stopped. This requires a political decision.

Give customs the power to stop the outflow of stolen goods

Sweden may not leak like a sieve. The cars that robbers tilltvingar and the stolen goods as inbrottstjuvarna will over may not leave the country. Give customs the power to stop the outflow of stolen goods and the right to hold suspects. And sufficient resources.

Rånvågen shows that the punishment for robbery in the dwelling also needs to be raised

the Victim must be put in the centre in a clearer way. We need to increase the penalties for both burglary and robbery. You should tighten up the punishment, you have to raise the lower limit in the scale of punishment. Villa owners are behind the proposal for a new offence, Inbrottsstöld, where integritetskränkningen for småhusägaren weighs heavier and with at least one year in prison. Today the minimum punishment for burglary is six months.
A straffskärpning for burglary is likely because the politicians on both sides of the blockgränsen agree on the need. A state investigator will with the proposal in the beginning of next year.
But it is not enough to raise the penalty for burglary. Rånvågen shows that the punishment for robbery in the dwelling also needs to be increased. In a first step, the riksdag at least double the minimum punishment for robbery, i.e. increasing from a minimum of one to two years.

we Must not stop the robberies on the way, we take another step further forward.

During the entire election campaign has security issues stood in the centre. It has talked and talked. But now it’ll be slutpratat and time for a little workshop. Then we need to get a government in place.

Lena Södersten , förbundsjurist, Villaägarnas association

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