NRK Satiriks has attracted attention with several stunt aimed at live TV and radio broadcasts in the past. Yesterday was Satiriks-reporter Yousef Hadaoui thrown out from the Dagsnytt 18-the broadcast after a series of vociferous outbursts on the fly.

Barely a day later, it was VGTV his turn to be tricked by humorprogrammet.

On-air interview VGTVs reporter a man he thought was the newly appointed development minister Dag Inge Ulstein (KrF). But it was not at Ulstein who spoke about his new role, but Satiriks’ Thomas Teige, with dress and bouquet of flowers.

– Very embarrassing Therefore interrupted liksomreporterne TV 2’s reporter on the fly

Satiriks confirms to Dagbladet that they stand behind the stunt.

VGTV reporter Espen Breivik says to the Medier24 that he was taken aback a bit that the man he spoke with, had bergensdialekt, and not sunnmørsdialekt as he thought to remember that the Ulstein had.

– Very embarrassing, but also the genius of Satiriks. They destroy for us, but the stock certainly very good humor. Satire cheer, I forward, even though some are ridiculed, ” says Breivik to Medier24.

– Takes it with a smile

– He came walking with His pin and flowers under his arm, and was scary similar to Dag Inge Ulstein, ” says nyhetssjef Ingeløw Elise Kopperud in VGTV to the Newspaper.

THE REAL ULSTEIN: To see Dag Inge Ulstein (KrF) is actually out. Ulstein was today appointed a minister in the new firepartiregjeringen. Photo: NTB scanpix Show more

She thinks the misunderstanding is completely understandable, and says they are taking the incident with a smile.

– Yes, we just think it is fun, and the laughs of it here.

– What do you think about this sudden emerging “guerrilla-satiren” as NRK has begun?

– I can only speak for this situation here. But this laugh we here in the VGTV. We put out the clip, and even show that we have been tricked, ” she says.

– it Is initiated preventive measures against the satire in VG now? Are you going to hang up pictures of everyone in the Satiriks-the editorial board in the meeting room?

– Yes, we have to consider now! We have not set down any group to research on it yet, but it may be that we need to find out who works there, and teach us some names and faces, ” she says jokingly.

Breivik is no acid mines for the event, according to Kopperud.

– Absolutely not. He is a really great journalist.

CAST: In Monday’s NRK broadcast of “Dagsnytt 18” was it hot in the studio when Yousef Hadaoui and Trond Kværnstrøm discussed the “Humorprisen”. Hadaoui was asked to leave the studio, but in hindsight, it turned out that the whole thing was a planned stunt. Video: the Norwegian broadcasting corporation Show more Show more Show more More stunt

on Thursday last week was TV 2-reporter Finn-Ove Hågensen ready to interview the Three Hans-Andreas Example, on the fly.

But while Hågensen tried to conduct an interview, broke a liksomreporter from The satirekanal “5080 the news channel” in the transmission. Then appeared another one. And yet another, until His-Andreas Example, was surrounded by juksereportere, all bablet in the choir and flailed over with the microphones.

– I realized pretty quickly what it was, for I knew again the microphone with the 5080, tells reporter Finn-Ove Hågensen.

yesterday hit satiren also the NRK even, when the “Black humor”-comedian Yousef Hadaoui was thrown out of the studio by the presenter Espen Aas.

It was no fun, ” says Aas to the Newspaper.

Made the step up on the fly. Espen Aas: – No fun