“We skambeläggs because we want to have a other care”

“the Debaters: To Vidarkliniken are put down is the latest betrayal of the will of the people”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. Sweden has time and again betrayed folkviljans requests for access to ”other care and treatment” as a complement to standard care. Can we expect more of the enmansutredaren Kjell Asplund’s proposal by 31 march? The story is ominous. “

“the Expectations are big on regeringsutredningen ”increased patientinflytande and patient safety in different care and treatment than is being conducted within the established health care”. “

“Few areas of society would have been investigated so often and with such meager results. Of, for example, the so-called alternativmedicinkommittén 1984-1989 bidde of a thumb compared with the needs, expectations and directives. “

“n► Deceit no 1. This resultatmagra långbänkeri is a betrayal of the Swedish people, given the several population surveys show that you want to have more complementary methods in health and health care, so-called integrative health care. “

“Enmansutredningen is expected by 31 march. Professor emeritus Asplund has an extensive track record and enjoys the overall a great deal of respect. The investigation represents a very interesting opportunity to break new ground and to meet expectations of greater freedom of choice and quality assurance. How to be successful with this remains to be seen. “

“The only thing we know today is the information leaked to the Journal, where you talk about a tightening of the legislation.”

“n► Betrayal no 2. An overlooked but important factor continues to add difficulties for development: skambeläggningen of ”other care and treatment” and its users, which for decades run by the debaters with the medical professions in the forefront. “

“Sick people and their relatives, who wish to embrace medical pluralism, are portrayed not infrequently as fanatical, faktaresistenta flummare, who do not know their own good, gullible victims of unscrupulous kosttillskottstillverkare and rogue practitioners. “

“Skambeläggningen also includes the Swedish health – care professionals who are themselves looking for alternatives, something that is common but taboo.”

“Several studies show that doctors and other health professionals are not only lacking knowledge in the field; demonstrating prejudice, disinterest and negative attitudes, which means that patients don’t dare ask, or tell you that they want to try or already use other methods. “

“A risk with such a stigma is, for example, unfavourable interaction of conventional and ”other” medicine. “

“Still have people in our country have continued to use another medicine on a large scale – 22-49 per cent mentioned in various population studies. In the united states conducted the NIH during the health campaign ”Time To Talk” in order to promote the communication of medicine between the patient and the health care professionals. “

“the uk needs something similar. People’s freedom of health choices must be respected and avstigmatiseras!”

“The non-conventional sector make it of great benefit to society by relieving the ailments for which conventional care is unable to offer effective treatment, from chronic pain and stress conditions, joint and muscle problems side effects of cancer treatment.”

“► the Betrayal no. 4. The most conspicuous betrayal of the other care is the closure of the anthroposophical Vidarkliniken, the Nordic region’s only integrativmedicinska hospital (where the staff had dual competencies in skolmedicin and complementary medicine), then the county council, with healthcare contracts chosen not to renew them. “

“the Tragedy is a fact, and inpatient care on the unique hospital will now stop in the month of march.”

“For Stockholm county council’s part was cancelled the agreement, for the rehabilitation associated with pain, fatigue and stress despite studies for over 20 years, which just shows the care good contribution in these difficult-to-treat condition. “

“Closure is thus, despite the existence of evidence, and is to that extent completely irrational. The value of Vidarklinikens care is a long-scientifically coated in a variety of scientific studies, some published in reputable scientific journals. “

“It is not that the county councils have not received value for money or that the patients that are referred do not measure better. No maladministration has been coated except for the lack of journaling, which after justified criticism have been governed up in an adequate way. “

“the Relationship is obscure, if one does not take into account the fierce debate that developed around an anthroposophic health care in Sweden. A common incorrect arguments for decommissioning has been to Vidarkliniken are vaccinmotståndare and mässlingsivrare, something that repeated media coverage of formal representative for the hospital. “

“another incorrect argument is that healthcare is based on the homeopathic medicines, something that is only true to a small extent, and which has been enlarged to cover the whole vårdinnehållet and thus given the critics the legitimacy of their demands for the closure. “

“instead, the research has demonstrated the highly beneficial effects of the health care system as a whole.”

“A register study by researchers from Sweden, Germany and the USA as compared läkemedelsförskrivning and costs over time in patients with chronic pain or stress in the standard care group, respectively, at Vidarkliniken found that the latter half of his prescription 90 days after the first treatment, while patients who received standard care group took almost twice as much pain management or psychiatric drugs after 90 days. At 180 days, the differences between the groups even greater. “

“previously, researchers have shown that patient satisfaction, quality of life and pain improved pain patients for care at Vidarkliniken. “

“Recently viewed data in a scientific work, the sick-leave figures for patients with pain – or stress conditions clearly decreased after care. “

“together, these qualitative and observationsbaserade studies that patients seem to improve in several aspects after care at Vidarkliniken, also justifies the continued research with prospective and randomised clinical studies in the field.”

“So what is the problem, and why the ends vårdavtalen?”

“► Betrayal no. 5. Freedom of choice is a byword as soon as said to all parties, any time forfeited, but in the field of health shines with its absence. “

“How can the people’s aspirations and demands, couched in the politically appointed inquiries, and a widespread use of other forms of care, time and time again disappointed? “

“Will the british film inquiry, disappoint the Swedish people a sixth time? Decision-makers and the scientific community are the answers required. “

“nMalin Berghagen, yogainstruktörnKarin Björkegren Jones, författarenKarl Dyall, artistnCharlotte Sakho Dyall, näringsterapeutnBasil Finer, överläkarenDavid Finer, medicinjournalistnFrancine Lee Mirro-Finer, president, Swedish association for DansterapinSarah Dawn Finer, artistnAnna Flodberg, chefredaktörnMarianne Goldman, novelist, playwright, psykosyntesterapeutnBo Haglund, professornMikael Karlholm, influencernSiri Lundström, a biologist, initiator of Any vårdnAmi Lönnroth, journalistnRennie Mirro, artistnEva Sanner, författarenBjörn Söderbäck, skådespelarenMaria Torshall, redaktörnAnna Toss, journalistnCharlotta Öfverholm, choreographer”

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