Welcome, C and L – this is our budget of

M and KD: more Favourable rutavdrag, lowered the diesel tax for farmers and the mandatory språkförskola for new arrivals

This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not the newspaper Aftonbladet.

DEBATE. The moderates and the Christian democrats put forward a reform agenda in parliament, with the starting point in the Alliance’s common policies, which we suggest will be state budget for 2019.

We look at the considerations that our friends in the Centre party and the Liberals are doing, and hope that as soon as possible to make common cause with us.

the Challenges have not taken a break to Sweden has no government. The economic downturn is shifting, not in anticipation of a new prime minister. Therefore, Sweden can not wait for the reforms. Our budget strengthens the Swedish economy, job creation and basic functions in society.

Those who can and want to work should also make it. Long-term supply of grants leads to exclusion, but also to lower growth.

We are expanding the earned income tax credit of ten billion, so that it is more worthwhile for people to switch from the contribution to the work. The ceiling in the RUT increases, so that more jobs with lower qualification can be created. Fewer may pay state income tax. When it pays better to educate themselves and take the job that requires the highest qualifications. It also means that many teachers and nurses won’t have to pay more than half of a rise in income tax.

the Tax on the pension is reduced more than in the government’s proposals, so that anyone over 65 years of age receive a reduction in taxes, and bostadstillägget is raised.

The government should maintain law, order and the care and the care should be there when you need. Among our investments is a välfärdssatsning about five billion in addition to Sweden’s municipalities and county councils.

in Addition to the doubling of kömiljard for shorter waiting lists in health care. A large primärvårdsreform begins.

And a äldreboendemiljard allocated per year to more homes for the elderly to be built. It is also a step to achieve a äldreboendegaranti where everyone who is over 85 years and that is granted home-help services should be able to be offered a place in a custom housing.

the Act concerning support and service for certain disabled persons, LSS, is an important frihetsreform that are to be supported.

We therefore lowers the diesel for agriculture, forestry and aquaculture with 50 penny.

We spend 18 billion more on defence over the period 2019 – 2021. And we are taking important steps towards 10 000 more police services in the year 2024.

A country with long distances must stick together. Those who rely on the car for the job should not be disadvantaged because they live outside the big cities.

at the same time, it is important to strengthen the agricultural and forestry conditions, not least because of the summer drought and fires. We therefore lowers the diesel for agriculture, forestry and aquaculture with 50 penny.

in Addition, we are proposing a temporary reduction in the tax on diesel fuel for these industries during the second half of 2019, with 50 cents per litre as a special support in the suites after the drought.

Ownership need to be strengthened. The valuable chips that are excluded from the use to exist often as a result of a long-term, responsible ownership. For example, a permit requirement for logging to be simplified. Therefore, it is serious to see how the ownership and the right of landowners to manage their forest and land have been attacked during the S\u002FMP-government.

We take away flygskatten, which does not involve any greater benefit to the climate while at the same time impedes the ability to good public transport outside the big cities.

We improve the jobs for the new arrivals, extends the samhällsorienteringen and introducing compulsory språkförskola

That newcomers integrate into Swedish society is central to mota exclusion. Job and language are crucial parts, but it must also be clear how our society works and what values it’s based on.

We improve the jobs for the new arrivals, extends the samhällsorienteringen and introducing compulsory språkförskola for newly arrived children. We are strengthening the training time in the school and suggest additional qualified teachers to disadvantaged areas. School should be a springboard for social mobility that allows all children get the same chances in life.

Our budget offers a new direction for Sweden. Now, Sweden has the opportunity to put in place important reforms for jobs and growth. Now we can get more police officers and a considerable addition to the welfare. Now can the seniors who built the country get the tax cut they so well deserve. Now the parliament the chance to take positions for shorter waiting lists and better integration. Now, Sweden can be refurbished before the economy turns around.

We do what we promised our voters and put forward a budget for a Sweden that keeps together.

\nElisabeth Svantesson, economic policy spokesperson (M)\nJakob Forssmed, economic policy spokesperson (KD)

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