“Well, you are selling out our union rights,”

“Replica from the Ola Hakefelt on the right to strike.”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“REPLICA. LO:a uk government minister defends Torbjörn Johansson writes in Aftonbladet debate that LO not have sold out the right to strike in Sweden, with the proposal being tabled, along with the confederation of Swedish Enterprise, the TCO and the Saco.”

“But his argument is, to say the least disjointed. He claims that the proposed legislation had prevented the now ongoing conflict between the Hamnarbetarförbundet and the employers ‘ association Swedish Ports. “

“In this conflict requires Hamnarbetarförbundet a, exactly in the same collective agreements as the transport workers’ union already has.”

“at the same time, he writes that the bill certainly would not open up for avtalsshopping and arbetsgivarstyrda so-called ”yellow” unions. This is because the proposal, according to him, would not prevent a trade union from a strike against an employer who has already concluded a collective agreement with another trade union.”

“But it is precisely this Hamnarbetarförbundet do. The proposal can omöjligtvis both make their industrial action illegal, and at the same time make it possible for other unions to take exactly the same industrial action against an employer who, for example, signed a collective agreement with a arbetsgivarstyrd ”

“LO:a uk government minister defends” himself.”

“We LO-members do not want to have a deal that restricts our konflikträtt without in any way restrict employers’ ability to take industrial action against the us. Such an agreement is not a compromise, it is the liquidation of our trade union rights!”

“nOla Hakefelt, chief and fackstyrelserepresentant, Livsklubben Nyberg’s Deli”

“n Join in the debate and comment on the artikelnn – like Aftonbladet Debate on Facebook.”

“the Article is a replica. Read the full the debate here:”