“Well, your cuts are affecting the children’s culture.”

“Slutreplik from Kulturskolerådet on time and budget”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. It is encouraging that the Conservatives see kulturskoleverksamheten as important and that young people should be a priority group. It is also positive with the reforms on the interaction between the school and the culture. Kulturskolerådet would love to see a review of how collaboration between the school and the school of the arts can be strengthened and developed.”

“however, It is difficult to follow the logic in the conservatives move. First, support for kulturskolorna deleted on the grounds that the contribution did not reach the purpose. Now it’s going away for M not want to have state control. “

“Lotta Finstorp say that targeted state financial contributions are always governing at the same time she highlights other targeted state and ruling government grants to the municipalities in which the positive; the creation of school and the libraries. “

“the State governing the contribution is thus ok for the creation of school and library, but not for kulturskoleverksamhet. The logic is not crystal clear.nModeraterna believes that it is better with general transfers from the state to the municipality. Sweden’s Municipalities and County councils have in their ekonomirapport paid attention to the announced increase in transfer payments is not sufficient and that the gap between costs and revenue in the municipalities will be 43 billion by 2022.”

“the Earmarked money securing the resources.”

“Kulturskolerådets report shows that kulturskolorna in a total of seventy municipalities have already now waiting for the savings or face an uncertain economic situation.you a location where local government finances are strained, there is a risk that non-statutory activities, as kulturskoleverksamhet, priority will be given away. “

“Then it can also be difficult to get additional resources to reach new audiences and develop their business. By, among other things, the reason is the state contribution to the kulturskolorna urgent. Earmarked money securing the resources.”

“Kulturskolerådet regret that children suffer when resources re-prioritized. Politics is about priorities. In this budget, children’s cultural hobbies nedprioriterade with 100 million.”

“nInger Carlonberg, Kulturskolerådets of the president”

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“the Article is a slutreplik. Read the full the debate here – ”