“What are the odds that two bands support Gucci”
“3×3 kulturtips: Jack Hilden, Cecilia Djurberg and Martin Aagård about what you read, see and listen to right now.”
“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”
“ART is A beautiful walk from my apartment in Rågsved is Snösätra industrial area. There, you can always go. Even a deserted winter day there are enormous spaces with freshly painted graffiti. But the 24-26 may, there will be more people than usual to be there, in the Spring Beast Festival. Europe’s largest in its genre, at 4500 square feet. (Jack Hilden)”
“DOCUMENTARY Piss-the country the united states glimmering in the dusk sometimes. In Knock down the house (Netflix) depicted how some women only through their commitment is trying to shake up the power in the face of the midterm elections in 2018. The biggest focus the luminous Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. A funny detail is that her cute boyfriend portrayed just like a girlfriend usually do – without a name or purpose other than to be the very mainstay of the do the job. (Jack Hilden)”
“the BOOK Unfortunately seems to my not particularly original allure to piss-the country the united states impossible to extinguish. It doesn’t get better by Eileen Myles Chelsea girls will in a Swedish translation for the first time since it was released in 1994. Youth, filling, six – nothing that has not been written in the past, but the wild language should make everyone want to jump into a car and go to Bath, Maine. (Jack Hilden)”
“the BOOK I am looking right now forward to seeing if the ”dödsskriket from a century of terror” will ”pierce the marrow and the bone” as promised in the Ulrich Rasches staging of Ágota Kristófs The great exercise book at the Theatertreffen in Berlin. The who do not read the labyrinthine trilogy of tvillingpojkarna who is trying to survive in a sick krigstillvaro prompted to do it immediately. (Cecilia Djurberg)”
“TV SERIES How did the british in the cut Brexit-soup we have not yet seen the resolution? The film This is England and the follow-up tv series about the skinhead and ska culture of the Thatcher-England has a few years old, but is worth seeing (about) right now. For perspective, the costumes, the awesome acting and enjoyable dialogues. (Cecilia Djurberg)”
“DANCE Choreographer Örjan Andersson invites (free admission) on the new work Rondo 28 and 29 may in the Eric ericson hall. With the dancers Ida ”Inxi” Holmlund, Anton Borgström and pianists Emma Johansson and John Nalan, he should explore rondoformen choreographically and musically in the loop for Beethoven’s sonatas. Sounds interesting. (Cecilia Djurberg)”
“cultural HISTORY OF essäboken the Threads in the weave (Norstedts) try to Maja Hagerman exposing how the Swedish cultural history is written and why it often kidnapped by racists and nationalists. Here are no on the nose. Hagerman is a thoughtful oasis in the middle of the raging kulturkriget. (Martin Aagård)”
“GUBBSNUSK No, it is not painless to read Jan Myrdal’s infallsrika and outspoken biography A second period of grace (Norstedts). But so it is with writers who do not apologize. By its very existence is In a sort of antidote to the Ebba Busch Thor-society where everyone must be tandblekta and no one may wear a hat indoors. (Martin Aagård)”
“the DEATH of pop culture ENPROCENT-SOCIETY”
“GUCCI PUNK Ok. This to obtain two new favoritpunkband: Amyl and the Sniffers and the Surfbort. And then you discover, BOTH of these wonderful bands are protagonists in enprocent-lyxmärket gucci’s new advertising campaign. What are the odds? Pop culture is dead, I have noted before, so there is not much to talk about. Unfortunately Surfborts Hippie vomit inhaler is still the best punklåt that have been written since 1982. (Martin Aagård)”