“What is the Swedish Academy?”

“Carl-Michael Edenborg about how the eighteen chairs could be democratised”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“nVad is the Swedish Academy? A state cultural institution or a shapeless historical relic from the fördemokratisk time that is above the law?”

“The question should be asked of all who are interested in the Swedish Academy. It penetrates deeper than all the tours around the leaks, crime, corruption and factions. It is the core issue.”

“you a uncared for investigation, which was in the spring, there is a strong argument for the Swedish Academy can be an authority.”

“On 16 april 2018 requested the journalist Micael Pihl documents from the Swedish Academy relating to Jean-Claude Arnault and the law firm Hammarskiöld & Co’s investigation. He wanted to use the material for an article in the Samhällsmagasinet Section, which is a periodic ”

“He got no from the Swedish Academy, with reference to that it was not a public authority and therefore not subject to the principle of public access. But Pihl did not. He appealed to the administrative court of appeal. “

“to get help, and he contacted the lawyer Benjamin Boman, who then also became his representative.”

“nÖverklagandet, submitted april 19, consists largely of an investigation of the Swedish Academy, the administrative status. With the support of a number of historical examples argue Boman that the Swedish Academy is a public authority and therefore subject to the principle of public access. What example?”

“To begin with the fact that the Swedish Academy was established by king Gustav III, who was then the reich government. The Swedish Academy is a public institution and nothing has been changed since.”

“the Swedish Academy has in the court said it yourself: In a trial of 1961-62 were pending in the court of appeal on the question if the Swedish Academy would pay the tax of the bequeathed funds. The then permanent secretary, Anders Österling, replied that the Swedish Academy ”

“nfor assistance took the Swedish Academy in verified Gösta Eberstein, who wrote an opinion in the matter. Here we read: “

“just over fifty years ago, claimed thus the Swedish Academy itself was an authority, and should therefore avoid paying tax.”

“But of greater gravity is Benjamin Bomans example of how the Swedish state in practice has managed the Swedish Academy that authority. He gives the lines of the references to the Swedish government official reports, case law, government bills, freedom of the press act and other laws, the prosecutor general, the parliamentary ombudsman – all the way from the 1800s to today. Among other: the state public investigation SOU 1939:44 stated the Swedish Academy as a public authority placed under the ministry of ecclesiastics.”

“nStatistiska sweden has several times figured the Swedish Academy employees”

“In section 51 of upphovrättslagen from 1960 shows that the government provides the Swedish Academy the power to intervene as an authority on the misuse of classic works; the latest in 1993, maintained the government this line. The Swedish Academy has thus myndighetsbefogenhet through the law.”

“in 1980 was admitted to the Swedish Academy in the state treasury the book of the Swedish Authorities in 1980.”

“you Found report KU 1974:22 the Swedish Academy in among the”

“This practice is confirmed in Regulation 1996:1515 with instructions for the Government offices. Where specified, the Swedish Academy as a ”

“nKammarrätten, however, rejected the appeal, with the following justification:”

“the notion that the Swedish Academy is”

“nPihl went further to the Supreme administrative court, which chose not to take up the case. Two powerful judicial institutions decided to follow the Swedish Academy, the line and preserve its indefinite, shapeless entities. The administrative court of appeal copied purely by the straight of the Swedish Academy, a private defense in their decision.”

“Why this lack of interest from the courts of the need to get an answer to the question about”

“When I read the Bomans investigation, I found his argument strong. To get some perspective, I contacted chamberlain Fredrik Warzäll, who was one of those who in the spring was with and investigated the question if the Swedish Academy, the statutes could be amended so that members shall be able to resign.”

“nwhen I tell people that I write an article about the Bomans investigation and the requirement that the Swedish Academy must be a public authority subject to the principle of public access, it becomes clear that Warzäll is of a different opinion. But he stresses that the issue is so uncertain that it should be handled with care.”

“However, states he an important fact: ”the Government and the parliament have the power of the law decide that the Swedish Academy is a public authority and therefore subject to the principle of public access.””

“He emphasizes at the same time he is in, classified but in the public sphere bitwise reported investigating, thoroughly researched the issue, reviewed all possible historical documents and consultation with legal experts.”

“nSlutsatsen: the Swedish Academy shall not be regarded as an authority. But when I ask if its unclear legal status, and if it is not time that the government and parliament comes to a decision in the matter, responds to the marshal: ”I can’t comment on. But I know that some lawyers are of the opinion.””

“With respect for riksmarskalkens different opinion, I repeat: the government and the parliament, in practice, regarded and treated the Swedish Academy as a state institution, in two hundred years. They have the power to validate this practice. What they are waiting for?”

“nJust now considering the Nobel foundation because of all the scandals that take away from the Swedish Academy mission to share the nobel prize in literature. It is sharp mode.nOm Swedish Academy officially was confirmed to be the authority to which it has in practice always been, would the outdated and unnecessary secrecy, and the secrecy must be abolished.”

“Then would the Swedish Academy to become a democratic institution.”